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Stella Jane
Participation in Forum on October 7, 2014
I have been using genetic selection with my satin rabbits for over 20 years.Recently, I started a genetic selection process to increase the body size of my fantastic Amerauracana hen who produced 300 eggs a year for four years on pasture and sprouted grains. She is still alive in her fifth year, now only laying Spring and Fall. What I did was bring in a barnvelder Rooster then the next year crosse ...
Participation in Forum on June 18, 2014
HelloI am a field scientist raising over half my food for 40 years so far. I totally agree with early feeding of small poultry and found that the MOST excitement /stimulation was generated when a spoonful of GRIT was placed on the floor near the water vessel. DAY-OLD chicks were jumping and scratching and pecking vigorously. TWO points of information: These chicks, the AB CROSS = Ameraucana ...
Discussion created on June 30, 2005
As a senior citizen raising poultry 40 years in a family farm setting, I'd like to know how someone can access the kind of studies that have been done, and the CONTROLS that were done with them. In specific, I'd like to find out if any clinical trials have tried THIS PROTOCOL on a separate group, with a third group "untreated" by anything. All poultry waterers are cleaned at least weekly with the ...
This member had joined Engormix
June 18, 2014
equalizer Statistics: Forums(3)
Location:Goldendale, Oregon, United States
Profile: Agricultural producer
Occupation: Rabbit farmer
Followers (1)