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dr ramesh razdan
vety.doc ; virologist; poultry , dairy , canine ; extension ;
poultry disease diagnosis ; management ; production ; dairy; large animal ; animal husbandry in general ; FMD research ; protein nd nucleic acid level ; field disease diagnosis , lab. based DOG CAMP ;
vety.doc ; virologist; poultry , dairy , canine ; extension ;
Professional Title:
vety.doc ; virologist; poultry , dairy , canine ; extension ;
Description of professional services:
poultry disease diagnosis ; management ; production ; dairy; large animal ; animal husbandry in general ; FMD research ; protein nd nucleic acid level ; field disease diagnosis , lab. based DOG CAMP ;
Professional experience:
1982 pass out ; all over jk xposure ;
Coverage area:
50 Km
RAMBAN Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
equalizer Statistics: Forums(1)
Location:RAMBAN Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: vety.doc ; virologist; poultry , dairy , canine ; extension ;