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Joko Prihanto
Participation in Forum on March 21, 2019
Is it a requirement to install evaporative cooling pads in poultry house which are built in the cool area?
Joko Prihanto likes the video:
Mike Czarick (University of Georgia) discussed the effect of temperature of pads on humidity, as well as water usage, during IPPE 2019 in Atlanta, USA.
Participation in Forum on December 25, 2013
Mr Anjum is completely right and follow him right away
Participation in Forum on November 23, 2013
it possibly many factor that cause stunted broiler, both external and internal factor..
Discussion created on August 19, 2011
...for years I am trying to find out ways to alleviate stres in broiler raised in open sided...the problem always come in the midday between 10 morning until 3 afternoon,. the birds exposed to higher tamperature inside the house so that much of the birds are panting despite the number of drinker supplemented and the curtain full opened to anticipate those condition.. most farmer in indonesia espec ...
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November 3, 2013
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Location:Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Consultant
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