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Participation in Forum on November 9, 2015
If you kept your chicken houses CLEAN, (and I mean clean enough for YOU to live in) - then if you give your chickens some warmth, no ammonia will be present to impact their environment, steal their oxygen, and raise hell with their systems.
Participation in Forum on July 31, 2015
Hello: Would you technical folks please bend a little to back yard flock owners. You are all about commercial stuff here, and believe me, there are a growing number of us raising chicken flocks as PETS for egg consumption second, and would never kill their PETS for food. I am dismayed at the absence of articles by those who have the technical knowledge, and could share with us some helpful info ...
This member had joined Engormix
September 13, 2013
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Location:Reading, Pennyslvania, United States
Profile: Student
Occupation: Mrs.
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