Biotal forage inoculants manufactured by Lallemand Animal Nutrition, Milwaukee, Wis., feature a new formula for improved stability.
This new formulation ensures the product stays viable when mixed with water for application. Once the bacteria in inoculants have been re-activated by mixing with water they begin to produce acids as they do when they are applied to forages. In many inoculants this is uncontrolled and the bacteria can die off quickly from the effects if the acids. Biotal's revolutionary new formula protects the bacteria from these potential negative effects, ensuring the bacteria remain viable for an extended period of time. Biotal inoculants are formulated, packaged, and shipped under strict quality control measures to ensure product strength and efficacy.
"Stability of the inoculant is a major concern. Our new formulation means that producers have greater flexibility and more assurance that they are indeed applying a live, viable product through liquid application systems," said Dr. Bob Charley, Lallemand Forage Products Manager. "Of course, stability of the bacteria following rehydration is affected by water quality and ambient conditions, so producers should check with their local representative to get a realistic estimation of post-rehydration shelf life for their operation."
Lallemand identifies specific bacterial strains for forage inoculants based on stringent efficacy criteria and pioneered the identification and application of Lactobacillus buchneri 40788, the first organism added to the AAFCO list of organisms approved for use in animal feeding in the US. This organism is the only strain reviewed by the FDA to allow the claim "for improved aerobic stability of silage and high moisture corn stored for not less than 60 days."