MEI for U = | 78.6 – 0.0042 (yield) – 0.076 (NDF) + 0.349 (DM) + 2.596 (PN)– 0.0221 (nitrate) | (R2 = 0.94) |
Equation 1 | ||
MEI for F = | -4.1 + 2.557 (PN) – 0.0036 (yield) + 0.264 (DM) + 7.28 (pH) | (R2 = 0.93) |
Equation 2 | ||
MEI for I = | 75.2 – 0.0053 (yield) – 0.087 (Hemi) + 2.401 (PN) + 0.2715 (DM) – 0.0143 nitrate + 0.493 (EE) | (R2 = 0.94) |
Equation 3 | ||
where: | MEI = metabolisable energy intake (MJ/day); yield = DM yield at harvest (kg DM/ha); NDF = neutral detergent fibre (g/kg DM); DM = dry matter (g/kg); PN = protein N (g/kg DM); nitrate = mg/ kg DM; Hemi = hemicellulose (g/kg DM); EE = ether extract (g/ kg DM); pH = pH of grass at ensiling. |
Other than digestibility, which was inversely related to herbage yield, the chemical parameters of the parent herbage which were most strongly correlated with silage intake were not the major silage parameters as identified by Steen et al. (1998).
Costs of silage production Many individuals and commercial organisations quote the relative values of grazed grass:silage:concentrates as being 1:3:6. However in these costings grass utilisation rates and the costs of land charges, paddock layout and labour for droving the cows are not included for grazed grass. In contrast, when costing silage the expensive silos, land charge and feeding costs are included and in-silo losses are also considered. More recently Keady and Anderson (1999) and Keady (1999), using herbage yield and utilisation rates recorded at the Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland, and including land, labour, contractor and fixed and variable costs concluded that the costs of grazed grass, silage from a three-cut silage system and concentrates are £74, £92 and £153 per tonne of dry matter as fed to the animals. Consequently the relative costs of grazed grass, silage and concentrates are closer to 1:1.3:2.0 and not the 1:3:6 as often quoted. When costed on a metabolisable energy basis the relative value of grazed grass:silage: concentrates is 1:1.3:1.8. These costings clearly illustrate that the costs of grass production are relatively similar whether it is ensiled or grazed in situ.
The major management factors affecting herbage yield in silage production are the level of nitrogen application and harvest date. When harvest date is delayed, herbage yield increases but digestibility declines as harvest date is one of the most important factors affecting digestibility. Keady and O’Kiely (1998) and Keady et al. (2000) concluded that herbage yield of the primary growth increased by 135 and 151 kg DM per day delay in harvest while digestibility declined by 3.9 and 4.2 g/kg per day delay in harvest, respectively.
Consequently, delaying the first harvest by one week increases yield by approximately 1 tonne DM/ha and decreases silage costs (assuming a land charge) by £11/tonne utilisable DM to £74 for silage from the first cut, but at a cost of reducing digestibility and ME by 0.5 MJ/kg DM. Digestibility is the most important factor affecting animal performance from grass silage.
As outlined earlier, to produce a similar milk yield from grass harvested one week later than intended, an additional 1.5 kg concentrates per cow per day would be required. Consequently, savings on silage cost could be eroded by the additional level of concentrates required to maintain animal performance.
Keady et al. (2000) concluded that as nitrogen application increased from 72 to 168 kg/ha N for first cut silage, herbage yield increased by 7.8 kg DM/kg N on average. Meanwhile Keady and O’Kiely (1998) concluded that herbage yield increased by 5.2 kg DM/kg N when nitrogen fertilisation rate increased from 120 to 168 kg DM/ha for first cut silage. However care must be taken not to apply excessive nitrogen fertiliser otherwise the feeding value of the silage will be reduced.
There has been renewed interest in pre-wilting of grass prior to ensiling, given the development of sophisticated conditioning and tedding equipment and the desire to reduce effluent output from an environmental point of view. Detailed studies undertaken at this institute (Wright, 1997) examining factors affecting the speed of wilting indicate that the most important weather factor is the duration and intensity of sunshine and the most important management factor is the density of the swath, i.e. the lower the density the greater the drying rate. In a three-cut system, wilting does not alter the cost of silage production even though wilting increases machinery costs due to tedding and rowing up prior to harvest, but reduces silo costs and additive costs.
A total of eleven recent studies have been undertaken at this Institute (Patterson et al., 1996; 1998) to evaluate the effects of rapid wilting of herbage on subsequent dairy cow performance (Table 4). These studies indicate that when herbage dry matter was increased from 160 to 320 g/kg at ensiling, rapid wilting dramatically increased intake by 17% and slightly improved milk yield by 2.4% and the concentrations of fat and protein.
However rapid wilting reduces output of utilised silage/ha. In a three-cut system, wilting increased the value of milk output/cow/day but reduced cow feeding days by 174/ha of herbage ensiled and milk volume output by 3074 l/ha, consequently decreasing the value of animal product.
Table 4. The effects of wilting on animal performance.
Milk price is based at 19 p/l at 4% fat and 3.18% protein. Each 0.01% change in fat and protein concentration alters milk price by 0.018 and 0.032 p/litre, respectively. (Patterson et al., 1996; 1998).
Additive treatment
Until recently, the principle objective in applying a silage additive was to improve silage fermentation under difficult ensiling conditions. This was achieved by applying either acid or sugar based additives. However, more recent research has shown that the use of effective inoculants can substantially improve animal performance without necessarily altering the fermentation quality of the silage at the time of feeding.
Animal performance is the most important measure of the efficacy of a silage additive, as producers are paid for animal product and not for the preservation quality of silages as measured by conventional laboratory analysis. When applying additives it is important to apply them at the correct rate, taking account of changes in the moisture content of the grass being ensiled. For example, if the dry matter of the herbage is increased from 180 to 250 g/kg, the fresh weight of grass would be reduced from 29.5 to 21 t/ ha, consequently reducing additive requirement by 40%/ha. Silage costs are decreased by £7.5 per tonne of utilisable dry matter if an additive is not applied at ensiling. Consequently it is essential to make the correct decision when choosing an additive.
Keady (1998) reviewed the effects of silage additives on silage fermentation and animal performance. It was concluded from the mean of 11 comparisons for each additive based on either sulphuric acid, molasses or enzymes as the main active ingredient that these additives will improve silage fermentation but will not significantly improve animal performance.
Consequently, the return on investment is zero, yet the costs of silage production are increased. Therefore, use of these additives must be questioned.
Furthermore, formic acid under difficult ensiling conditions will increase animal performance; but under moderate to easy ensiling conditions formic acid will not give an economic response. Finally, Keady (1998) concluded that inoculant treatment increased animal performance across a wide range of conditions, regardless of whether the untreated silage was well or poorly preserved. From the mean of 11 studies undertaken at Hillsborough, inoculant treatment increased fat and protein corrected milk yield by 1.3 l/cow/ day, consequently increasing milk value by 25 p/cow/day, assuming a milk price of 19 p/l. In these studies some products did not alter animal performance whereas others had major beneficial effects. The effects of an inoculant based on a single strain of Lactobacillus plantarum which supplied 1 million CFU/g of grass at ensiling are presented in Table 5 (adopted from the studies of Gordon (1989a; 1989b) and Mayne (1990)). The use of that particular inoculant increased milk output resulting in a return on investment of 2:1. These costings do not take into account any reduction in in-silo losses due to inoculant treatment.
Within the industry there is a popular misconception that inoculant treatment will not improve animal performance under conditions in which untreated silage would be poorly preserved. Keady (1998) concluded from a review of nine comparisons in which the untreated silages were poorly preserved, that inoculant treatment increased performance of beef and dairy cattle. More recently Patterson (1999, unpublished data) evaluated three inoculant-based products under difficult ensiling conditions (Table 6). Even though treatment with the inoculant did not improve fermentation, inoculant treatment increased animal performance, improving milk yield by 1.5 kg/day and milk protein content by 0.05%. The many studies undertaken in the dairy and beef herds at Hillsborough clearly indicate that an effective inoculant will result in similar improvements in animal performance under a wide range of ensiling conditions, whether the herbage is ensiled direct cut or wilted prior to ensiling.
Table 5. The effects of an inoculant based on L. plantarum on animal performance from the mean of three studies.
Milk price is based at 19 p/l at 4% fat and 3.18% protein. Each 0.01% change in fat and protein concentration alters milk price by 0.018 and 0.032 p/litre, respectively. (Gordon, 1989a; 1989b; Mayne, 1990).
Table 6. The effects of inoculant treatment under difficult ensiling conditions on animal performance - three comparisons.*
*Patterson, 1999 unpublished data.
Harvest costs
Altering harvesting charges by £25/harvest/ha changes silage costs by £7.55/t utilisable DM in the three-cut system.
Silo costs
On many farms it could be assumed that the cost of silo construction has been fully written off. Consequently, if silage storage costs are omitted, the cost of utilised forage from a three-cut silage system would be reduced to £86/t assuming a land charge.
Big bales
If silage is ensiled in big bales, assuming a mean dry matter content of 25%, silage DM losses of 12% and the provision of a concrete base for storage, silage costs are increased by £4/t DM relative to clamp silage in a three-cut silage system. However if only the light crops of the second and third harvest are ensiled, the cost differential between big bale and clamp silage diminishes. This assumes no loss of bales due to damage by vermin.
Grass silage is, and will remain, the basal forage for dairy and beef cattle during the indoor feeding period in many areas in Northwestern Europe and elsewhere. The costs of silage production are relatively similar to those of grazing animals at pasture with the relative value of grass:silage:concentrate being 1:1.3:2.0, and not 1:3:6 as often quoted. Digestibility is the most important factor affecting animal performance in silage production. Silage intake is highly correlated to the protein and fibre fractions and not silage fermentation characteristics. Silage feeding value can be predicted from the chemical composition of the herbage at ensiling. The use of a well-proven effective inoculant results in an economic return of £2 for every pound invested.
Gordon, F.J. 1980. The effects of interval between harvest and wilting on silage for milk production. Animal Production 31:35-41.
Gordon, F.J. 1989a. An evaluation through lactating dairy cattle of a bacterial inoculant as an additive for grass silage. Grass and Forage Science 44:169-179.
Gordon, F.J. 1989b. A further study on the evaluation through lactating cattle of a bacterial inoculant as an additive for grass silage. Grass and Forage Science 44:353-367.
Gordon, F.J. 1989c. The principles of making and storing high quality, high intake silage. In: Silage for milk production (C.S. Mayne, ed.). Occasional Symposium of the British Grassland Society No. 23, pp. 3-41.
Keady, T.W.J. 1998. The production of high feed value grass silage and the choice of compound feed type to maximise animal performance. In: Biotechnology in the Feed Industry, Proceedings of Alltech’s 14th Annual Symposium (T.P. Lyons and K.A. Jacques, eds.), pp. 157-180.
Keady, T.W.J. 1999. High feed value grass silage. How, why and its relative value to grazed grass. Paper presented at the Irish Grain and Feed Association Annual Conference, November 10, Dublin.
Keady, T.W.J. and D. Anderson. 1999. Good grazed grass is not free. Irish Farmers Journal, Vol. 51, No. 23, June 5, pp. 22-23.
Keady, T.W.J. and C.S. Mayne. 1998. Improving milk composition during the winter period through feeding. Applied Research and Development Council (NI), Technical Publication No. 1.
Keady, T.W.J. and P. O’Kiely. 1998. An evaluation of potassium and nitrogen fertilisation of grassland, and date of harvest, on fermentation, effluent production, dry matter recovery and predicted feeding value of silage. Grass and Forage Science 53:326-337.
Keady, T.W.J., C.S. Mayne, D.A. Fitzpatrick and M. Marsden. 1999. The effects of energy source and level of digestible undegradable protein in concentrates on silage intake and performance of lactating dairy cows offered a range of grass silages. Animal Science 68:763-778.
Keady, T.W.J., C.S. Mayne and D.A. Fitzpatrick. 2000. Prediction of silage feeding value from the analysis of the herbage at ensiling and effects of nitrogen fertiliser, date of harvest and additive treatment on grass silage composition. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge (In press).
Mayne, C.S. 1990. An evaluation of an inoculant of Lactobacillus plantarum as an additive for grass silage for dairy cattle. Animal Production 51:1-13.
O’Kiely, P., A.V. Flynn and R. Wilson. 1987. New concepts in silage making. Irish Grassland and Animal Production Association Journal 21:38-50.
Park, R.S., F.J. Gordon, R.E. Agnew, R.J. Barnes and R.W.J. Steen. 1997. The use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy on dried samples to predict biological parameters of grass silage. Animal Feed Science and Technology 68:235-246.
Patterson, D.C., T. Yan and F.J. Gordon. 1996. The effects of wilting of grass prior to ensiling on the response to bacterial inoculation. 2. Intake and performance by dairy cattle over three harvests. Animal Science 62:413-430.
Patterson, D.C., T. Yan and F.J. Gordon. 1998. The effects of bacterial inoculation of unwilted and wilted grass silages. 2. Intake, performance and eating behaviour by dairy cattle over eight harvests. Journal of Agricultural Science 131:113-119.
Rook, A.J. and M. Gill. 1990. Prediction of the voluntary intake of grass silages by beef cattle. 1. Linear regression analysis. Animal Production 50:425-438.
Steen, R.W.J. 1987. Factors affecting the utilisation of grass silage for beef production. In: Efficient beef production from grass (J. Frame, ed.). Occasional Symposium of the British Grassland Society No. 22, pp. 129- 139.