Dust Protection Flour dust is hazardous to workers of a MAIZE MILLING MACHINE. The small particles of flour can enter the lungs of employees and reduce their breathing capacity. According to the National Institutes of Health, maize milling machine workers often cough frequently, experience shortness of breath and suffer from respiratory irritation. Masks and other facial protective equipment reduce these effects, so the maize milling machine owner should purchase this equipment for mill employees and require its use. Fire Prevention Fire safety is a necessary factor to consider when setting up a flour mill. The mill owner should ensure that employees take courses about fire prevention. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a separate permit known as a hot work permit may be necessary when employees are performing tasks such as welding and cutting of maize milling machine. Employees should wear clothing that both resists fire and does not produce sparks. Flour dust can explode in the presence of fire.