Fibre represents a diverse group of cell wall (CW) polysaccharides along with lignin not digested by endogenous enzymes in the small intestine of non-ruminant species. Part of the CW, in addition to being indigestible by itself, encapsulates potentially available nutrients such as protein (amino acids), fat and minerals. This is particularly the case with the aleurone CW of cereals and the cotyledon CW of legumes and to a lesser extent the endosperm CW of cereals. There is convincing evidence that the aleurone and endosperm CW of cereals can be modified by enzymes, thereby enabling access for the endogenous enzymes to the cell content. The results obtained by cotyledon CW of legumes are, however, less convincing. The effect of enzymatic modification on the aleurone and endosperm CW of cereals is specifically a conversion of high-molecular weight arabinoxylan to arabinoxylan oligosaccharides.
Presented at the International Fibre Summit 2019 (https://internationalfibre.com/). Reproduced with permission from the organizers.