The Fuzion Effect of Agracid P And Agracid S Products
Published:February 29, 2012
Organic acids and Essential Oils in monogastric diets
Successful feed formulations must both promote the growth of the animal and discourage the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Feeding for health as well as nutrition is certainly a major criterion in the design and formulation of piglet and poultry feeds.
Organic acids are used in feeds for thei...
It would be interesting to know which "essential oils" are used - similar to the organic acids, where lauric and sorbic - benzioc acid are mentioned / declared.
Are the "essential oils" really the volatile compounds obtained by (steam) distillation of plant material (as it is the definition of ess. oils), or obtained by any other physical / chemical extraction method, or are single (purified or synthetic) compounds "of essential oils" used in teh AGRANCO products?
Chlodwig FRANZ, Vetmeduni Vienna, Austria