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Egusin® for equines

Why feed Egusin®?

Published: September 6, 2006
By: NutriScan A/S
Humans suffering from ulcers are often aware that this condition is either caused by the food they eat or their working conditions, these circumstances are similar to horses which develop Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS).

Horses are very sensitive to physical as well as psychical stress impacts, such as intensive training, races, changes in feeding or environment.

Other strong psychological factors, such as shipping and relocation, can be stressful to the horses.

Stressed horses often get gastric problems or “stress stomach”, they develop gastric ulcers, get diarrhoea and colic, reduced appetite as well as failure to thrive.

Researches from several countries have shown, that Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome is a very common and significant problem.


• 60% of all foals have EGUS in the first months after birth.
• 90% of all performance horses get EGUS.
• 60% of all horses in training have EGUS.
• 35% of pleasure horses will have EGUS.

Performance horses and horses in training are often stabled and are fed high caloric concentrated feed in order to supply sufficient energy and protein. Feeding a concentrate,rich in starch with low contents of fibre, may increase the risk of gastric ulcers, as large amounts of excess gastric acid will be produced which after a short period of time will irritate the mucosa lining and epithellum.

The horse stomach

The horse stomach, designed for constant foraging, secretes gastric acid continuously 24 hours a day to break down large amounts of fibrous roughage as grass and hay. If horses do not get sufficient feed containing rough fibres, gastric problems may occur, as they do not produce sufficient saliva to neutralize the gastric acid.

The saliva production will only be the half if the horses do no get sufficient roughage or hay.

If horses do not get sufficient fibrous roughage but are fed ground concentrate rich in starch, excess gastric acid is produced. This acid is corrosive to the protective lining in the upper portion of the stomach which may cause EGUS.


Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome in foals occurs in the first months after birth and in the weaning period when the feed and feeding routines are changed.

In some cases ulceration can be severe enough to cause death.

Researches have shown that among even healthy foals without any symptoms, >50% of the foals had gastric lesions.


• Poor appetite
• Intermittent colic
• Poor body condition
• Diarrhoea
• Grinding teeth
• Interrupted nursing

Adult horses

Horses are very sensitive to stress and stress may be a factor in the development of ulcers in adult horses. Other factors are ground concentrated feed rich in starch, few daily meals, intensive training or races, shipping and environmental stress impact.

Reduced intake of rough fibrous feed can lead to gastric ulcers.

As many of the horses do not show obvious signs of EGUS, an endoscopic examination is often used in order to determine a correct diagnosis.


• Poor appetite
• Attitude changes/depression
• Decreased performance
• Cronical diarrhoea
• Frequent colic
• Weight loss/bad thrive
• Rough hair coat

What is the Egusin® concept?

The Egusin® concept (patent pending) consists of 2 types of stabilizing dietetic feed supplement for adult horses, young horses and foals in stress periods, suffering from EGUS and imbalance in the intestinal system due to a high production of excess gastric acid.

The Egusin® concept is based on a unique combination of active nutraceuticals, neutralizing excess gastric acid, protects the stomach lining and preventing the formation of gastric ulcers and stress related colic and diarrhoea conditions.

What does the Egusin® concept include?

The Egusin® concept include 2 types of dietetic feed supplement for horses:

Egusin SLH® (Stomach Lining Heal) for treatment, - heals up and ”closes” existing gastric ulcers and re-establishes the protective mucosa membranes and epithel surface.

Egusin 250® for prevention,- neutralizes excess gastric acid and provides the stomach with dietetic fibres in order to prevent EGUS.

Egusin SLH® and Egusin 250® are supplementary dietetic feed products, which partly treats and heals already existing gastric ulcers and partly prevent the formation of gastric ulcers and reformation of new gastric ulcers after finalized treatment.

Why do we use Ave-Vita®?
The nutritional health benefits of oats have been accepted for centuries.
Ave-Vita® is a unique and patented micro milled whole oats meal, containing a high proportion of valuable nutritional components.

Due to the patented micro milling technique, Ave-Vita® has a very high content of beneficial dietetic fibres:

Ave-Vita® functional values

• Beta-glucan, which gels in the stomach, protects the stomach lining, supports and activates the immune system.
• Insoluble oats fibres, delay the stomach emptying and prevent gastrointestinal disorders.
• Polar lipids, rich in phospholipids re-establish the protective stomach lining
• Natural antioxidants, protects the muscle cells from degradation by the free radicals.

How does Egusin SLH® work?

The active nutraceuticals in Egusin SLH® work 5 fold:

• Phospholipids (lecithin),- protect the hydrofobic lining of the gastric mucosa membranes and epithel surface against destruction from the corrosive gastric acid.
• Dietetic fibres, - stabilize the function of the stomach and the colon.
• Pectins, - protects the gastric mucosa membranes against excess gastric acid and bind the toxins contributing to diarrhoea.
• Antacid, gastric acid neutralizing buffers, - instant and sustained neutralization of excess corrosive gastric acid to protect the stomach lining against destruction, in order to prevent gastric ulcers.
• Ave-Vita® patented whole oats meal with a high content of fibres, having a positive dietetic impact on the intestinal system.

How does Egusin 250® work?

The mode of action of Egusin 250® is as follows:

• Antacid, gastric acid neutralizing buffers, -which both instant and sustained neutralizes the excess corrosive gastric acid in order to achieve a long term effect.
• Dietetic fibres, - stabilize the function of the stomach and stimulates the appetite.
• Pectins,- protect the gastric mucosa membranes against excess gastric acid.
• Ave-Vita® patented whole oats meal with a high content of fibres, having a positive dietetic impact on the intestinal system and delays the stomach emptying.

How to use Egusin®?

Treatment, when gastric ulcers occurs:

Administer 50 grams of Egusin SLH® per 100 kg body weight daily for a period of 3 weeks.

A 500 kg horse needs 250 grams daily, divided into the morning and evening feeding.

Preventative dosage or after-treatment:

Foals and young horses (4-12 months):
Administer 125 grams of Egusin 250® daily, divided into the morning and evening feeding.

Horses in training:
Administer 250 grams of Egusin 250® daily, divided into the morning and evening feeding.

At recrudescense or if symptoms do not disappear, a new treat period of minimum 2 weeks is recommended, in order to achieve the full dietetic effect.

Measuring cup for 100 grams is included.

Egusin® can be mixed into the horse’s daily feed ration. If the horse refuses to eat, half dosage in the first 3 days is recommended.

Egusin® can also be mixed into lukewarm water. Add 250 grams of Egusin® to 1 litre of water and mix it into soaked feed (beet pellets and mash).

Egusin® can be administered in periods when horses are participating in competitions, as the product does not contain any drugs or substances prohibited by FEI doping or Jockey Club, and there are no undesirable secondary effects.


Egusin SLH®: 5 kg bucket,- sufficient for the treatment of a 500 kg horse for 3 weeks.

Egusin 250®: 3,5 kg bucket,- sufficient for the treatment of an adult horse for 2 weeks

Egusin 250®: 12 kg bucket,- to be used when several horses are in preventative treatment.

Egusin®, features and benefits

• Easy to administer – no waste, dustless
• Treatment and prevention in one concept
• Unique 5-fold mode of action,- secures an effective treatment.
• Contains dietetic soluble fibres -, having a dietetic effect and improves the intestinal function.
• Palatable, - mixed into feed concentrate, the horse eats it willingly.
• Gastric acid neutralizing buffers, working instantly and sustained for maximum effect.
• Can be used in periods of competition – contains no prohibited drugs

Patent is pending for the Egusin® concept.


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Armando Francisco Cuesta Guillen
27 de febrero de 2012
Thanks so much for this interesting and important theme, that is a pity isn't accompanied of some pictures. Prof.Armando Fco. Cuesta Guillén
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