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Care of Elderly Horses

Published: May 26, 2009
Source : University of Minnesota Extension Horse Newsletter
Many horses and ponies can live into their 20's or even 30's with good health care. These equine senior citizens play many roles for their owners, providing trustworthy mounts for new riders, children, people with special needs, and as companions to other horses, and their owners. Like people, their health needs shift as their bodies age.

Digestive Tract
: Dental issues arise as teeth wear out or are lost. Diminished absorptive capacity of the intestinal tract can lead to weight loss or loose manure. A higher likelihood of some types of colic such as small intestine obstruction by a lipoma (fat tumor) requires prompt attention.

Musculoskeletal System
: Arthritis of multiple joints may cause stiffness or limit the range of motion with exercise. Laminitis (founder) may occur if the horse develops Cushing's syndrome. Muscle wasting may develop, particularly over the horse's topline.

Immune System
: A mild reduction in efficiency of response to microbes leads to increased susceptibility to infections. This vulnerability is significantly greater if the horse develops Cushing's syndrome, which causes high blood levels of cortisol, a hormone which further diminishes the immune system's responsiveness.

Respiratory System
: Recurrent airway obstruction (heaves), the horse equivalent of asthma, tends to progress with time, and affected horses may need more active medical and environmental management as they age.

Reproductive System
: Fertility in both mares and stallions declines.

Cardiovascular System
: Age related changes may impact the heart or blood vessels, leading to heart failure or sudden death if a major vessel ruptures.

Nervous System
: Coordination may diminish slightly, resulting in a decline in agility. Arthritic changes in the neck or degeneration of the spinal cord can result in progressive incoordination.

Endocrine System
: Abnormal hormone production by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain results in Cushing's syndrome, which is characterized by progressively more severe signs, including poor shedding of winter hair, premature winter coat in the fall, greasy skin, increased thirst and urination, founder, and increased susceptibility to infections.

Team up with your veterinarian to make a proactive plan for your aging horse. Depending on the horse's age and condition, annual or semiannual physical examinations should be done for early detection of problems. This examination should include assessment of dental needs, weight tape and body condition score, soundness check, and vaccine planning. Close inspection for early signs of cancer is also warranted. If the horse or pony is still being ridden, this is a good time to look at saddle fit.

Good nutrition from day one is necessary for all horses. Elderly horses benefit from at least yearly attention to their teeth and a high quality diet. Most feed companies now make "senior" diets, which are typically pelleted, easy to chew, and highly digestible. A horse can be fed a senior diet in addition to hay or pasture to improve its body condition, if it is having trouble maintaining its weight without an apparent health problem. Senior pellets can be fed in larger volumes as the sole feed for the horse, particularly if its teeth are worn past the point of effectively chewing hay.

. Horses need regular hoof trimming throughout their lives. Good hoof balance promotes even weight bearing, and less stress on the joints. Joint friendly supplements like glucosamine with chondroitin sulfate may help some arthritic horses get around. Daily light exercise or turn out is recommended.

Cushing's Syndrome
. If a horse keeps its winter coat longer than its herdmates and starts to grow the winter coat a bit early in the fall, Cushing's syndrome may be responsible. Management consists of clipping the untimely coat, and suppression of the excessive hormone production from the pituitary, using daily medications such as pergolide.

Vaccinations and Deworming
. As the immune system wanes, elderly horses become more susceptible to microbial diseases and parasites. Retirement is no reason to stop routine vaccinations. Yearly fecal exams should be conducted, and a regular deworming schedule followed.

By Julie Wilson, DVM
University of Minnesota Extension - Horse Newsletter (Volume 3, Issues 6 and 7)
University of Minnesota Extension Horse Newsletter
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