Int’l - Lely will make an appearance at the Eurotier event
Published:October 25, 2006
Source :Lely Group
Lely will make an appearance at the Eurotier event, which will be held in Hanover from November 14 through 17, 2006. In addition to a booth in Hall 24, Stand 24C17, Lely will offer customers and prospects the following:
- on a daily basis a Luna cow brush will be raffled and over the whole week of the Eurotier Lely will raffle a Discovery mobile barn cleaner among those cattle farmers that leave their addresses at the Lely booth.
- a ''fresh milk shake'' is available at our booth against limited costs; the proceeds will be donated to a charity project.
- on Tuesday a presentation on the cost-effectiveness of milking robots will be held in the central DLG area and on Wednesday Lely's vision on dairy farming in the future will be explained in the central DLG area, including a forum, comprising of Lely customers.
- Every day of the show an expert journalist will spearhead discussions with customers and visitors at the Lely stand.
So it is clear; again Lely will make a revolutionairy presentation, so please come and visit Lely at the Eurotier!