AminoShure™-L Precision Release Lysine delivers the essential amino acid, lysine, in a rumen protected form. The revolutionary lipid coating was engineered to release its lysine payload gradually in the small intestine.
Consistent – AminoShure-L provides the consistency you can count on when balancing for precise levels of amino acids to meet the exact nutritional needs of the animal.
Reliable – AminoShure-L has been subjected to the same rigorous testing and development protocols as the other encapsulates in the Balchem line-up and offers the same precision nutrient delivery that you’ve come to expect from Balchem products.
Cost-Effective – By leveraging Balchem’s innovative encapsulation technologies and manufacturing efficiencies, we can provide an effective replacement for more expensive and less consistent sources of lysine, reducing variability in both ration cost and quality.