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XXV World's Poultry Congress
XXV World's Poultry Congress

XXV World's Poultry Congress

September 5, 2016 to September 9, 2016
China National Convention Center Beijing - Beijing [Peking] - China
General Info

On behalf of the Chinese Organizing Committee, I am pleased to invite you to participate in the XXV World’s Poultry Congress (WPC2016) which will be held in Beijing during September 5-9, 2016. This congress is co-hosted by the China Branch of the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA-CN) and the Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine (CAAV).

Poultry industry is expanding in the world, but we are facing more and more challenges ranging from restriction of feed resources to quality and safety issues of poultry products. The multidisciplinary scientific program of the WPC2016 will address a wide range of subjects, and provide a unique and comprehensive platform for sharing and discussing the latest developments in scientific research and technology transfer for poultry production worldwide.

As a historical city and a modern and dynamic metropolitan, Beijing has many tourist attractions, including four World’s Culture Heritages. Delegates from around the world can reach the city by direct international flights from major cities in the world, and will enjoy wonderful social programs and experience famous Chinese hospitality during your stay.

We look forward to welcoming you to Beijing and offering attendees the perfect blend of the stimulating scientific exchanges and rich cultural programs.

Ning Yang, Ph.D.
President, China Branch of WPSA


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