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Midwest Poultry Federation Convention 2015
Midwest Poultry Federation Convention 2015

Midwest Poultry Federation Convention 2015

March 17, 2015 to March 19, 2015
St. Paul - Minnesota - United States
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The Midwest Poultry Federation (MPF) Convention is the largest regional poultry show in the U.S. In 2014, the convention drew nearly 2,500 participants from 36 states as well as Washington D.C., 4 Canadian provinces and several other international countries.

For 2015, we will continue our expansion into two Exhibit Halls (Halls A and B!) in order to accommodate additional exhibitors and we look forward to welcoming participants from all segments of the poultry industry – egg layer, broiler, turkey and organic/specialty poultry production. The convention will, once again, feature an exceptional Education Program and trade show, along with pre-show events.

Did You Know? MPF is a nonprofit organization. All revenue generated from the convention goes back to its members (comprised of 12 poultry associations in the Midwest) and to support poultry programs.

Pictures of the last edition 2014


To register visit this link

The North Central Avian Disease Conference (NCADC)
The North Central Avian Disease Conference (NCADC) will be held in conjunction with the 2015 Midwest Poultry Federation (MPF) and features a topic-rich agenda of various scientific presentations. It will be held on March 16-17, 2015 at the Saint Paul RiverCentre, St. Paul, Minnesota. Closer to the meeting, you will be able to register through MPF, using the Pre-Registration Form, or pre-register online at The NCADC only attendees are not required to register for MPF program.