General Info
March 1-3, 2007
Bangladesh China Fiendship Conference Center
Sher-E-Bangla Nagar - Dhaka, Bangladesh
The Importance of the poultry Industry in a developing country such as Bangladesh cannot be over stead. Chiefly it provides inexpensive nutrition and creates employment on a large scale. The use of modern technology in farm management has led to massive productivity improvement over the last few years. As such, poultry has emerged as a key segment within the agro-industry sector.
Of course, the greatest risk to this industry worldwide is avian influenza. Virtually every week a different country is falling victim to this disease.
While the human casualty numbers have hitherto been relatively small, the threat of a global pandemic can be very real unless effective measures are instituted. To this end unprecedented co-operation between countries, government and industry, and consumer awareness is the all of the day.
Building on the success of our previous programmers, the World's Poultry Science Association-Bangladesh Branch (WPSA-BB) is organizing the 5th International Poultry Show and Seminar 2007 during March 1st-3rd at the China- Bangladesh Friendship Conference Centre, Dhaka Bangladesh. Through this programme we hope to enhance public understanding about the opportunities and risk management in the poultry Industry.
Poultry industry; breeds, breeding & genetics; feeds & nutrition; housing & management, bio-safety & bio-security; poultry health & hygiene; disease diagnosis & biologics; waste management; processing; quality & safety of food; economics and marketing; rural poultry; and organic poultry farming.