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9th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference

9th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference

March 20, 2011 to March 22, 2011
Taipei International Convention Center (TICC) - Taipei - Taiwan
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The 9th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference will be held in Taipei, Taiwan. The four-day event builds on the excitement generated by rapid advances in poultry research and its potential benefits to food safety, environmental friendly breeding, animal welfare and the international poultry industry. More than 500 top international scientists and researchers from around the world are expected to attend.

The symposium comes at a key time for the international poultry industry, which is under unprecedented pressure caused by record high feed prices and disease challenges. It provides an important forum for reviewing the latest advances in poultry research, how recent breakthroughs could affect poultry industry, and in-depth discussion and exchange of information on sustainable poultry production in the modern Era. This major event will showcase the latest developments in the fields, including research on nutrition and feed additives, environment and poultry production, marketing and product safety, genetics, breeding and reproduction, poultry health, and water fowl.