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2015 University of Georgia International Poultry Short Course
2015 University of Georgia International Poultry Short Course

2015 University of Georgia International Poultry Short Course

January 31, 2015 to February 2, 2015
UGA Poultry Research Center, Athens, GA 30602 - Georgia - United States
General Info

2015 University of Georgia International Poultry Short Course
Department of Poultry Science


Physiological Management in Poultry Production

The purpose of this short course is to provide poultry professionals with an intensive educational experience containing relevant, up to date information critical to efficient modern broiler production and processing. Topics in the 2015 course will focus on the unique physiology of the modern broiler as related to disease, management and processing. The University of Georgia Poultry Science faculty who teach these topics are internationally recognized, have decades of "real world" experience and are considered to be among the best in the world in their respective areas of expertise. The UGA International Poultry Short Course is designed and formatted to be interactive and hands-on. The 3 ½ -day training is loaded with practical information meant to be directly applied to making a difference to the bottom line of your poultry business.

Continental Breakfast

General Physiology Session:
Opening and Welcome (Dr. Mike Lacy, UGA Poultry Science Department Head)
Poultry Physiology Overview - Dr. Mark Compton,UGA Poultry Science
Basics of Reproductive Physiology - Mrs. Claudia Dunkley, UGA Poultry Science
Genetics and Physiology - Dr. Robert Beckstead, UGA Poultry Science
Reproductive Physiology - Dr. Jeanna Wilson, UGA Poultry Science
Incubation/Embryology - Dr. Jeanna Wilson, UGA Poultry Science

Sunday - February 1, 2015(8:00am - 5:00pm)
Continental Breakfast
Poultry Disease Identification and Management:
Necropsy Instruction - Dr.  Steve Roney, UGA Poultry Diagnostic & Research Center (PDRC)
Enteric Diseases and Immune System - MAM Students
Enteric Diseases Necropsy/Coccidiosis Lesion Identification - Multiple
Air Quality - Dr. Brian Jordan, UGA Poultry Science & UGA Poultry Diagnostic & Research Center (PRDC)
Respiratory Disease - Dr. Brian Jordan, UGA Poultry Science & PDRC
Respiratory Disease/IBV and Mycoplasma Lesion Identification - Dr. Brian Jordan, UGA Poultry Science & PDRC
Parasitic Diseases - Dr. Rick Gerhold, University of Tennessee

Continental Breakfast

Poultry Disease Identification and Management: (Cont.)
The importance of Biosecurity to Protect Broilers - Dr. Louise Zavala, Georgia Poultry Laboratory Network
Influence of Nutrition on intestinal Development and immune System - Dr. Woo-Kyun Kim, UGA Poultry Science
Keeping Birds on their Feet:
Nutritional impacts on Bone Development - Dr. Woo-Kyun Kim, UGA Poultry Science Break
Poultry Leg Issues - Dr. Bruce Webster,UGA Poultry Science
Broiler Physiology Influence on Processing:
It's all in the Preparation: Feed Withdrawal to Live Holding of Broilers - Dr. Casey Ritz, UGA Poultry Science
A "Bird's Eye" View of Modern Broiler Processing - Dr. Scott Russell, UGA Poultry Science
Effects of Broilers Physiology on Processing Efficiencies - Dr. Jeff Buhr, USDA - ARS
What doesn't go in the Package: Handling of Processing By-Products - Dr. Brian Kiepper, UGA Poultry Science
Hands-on Broiler Processing at UGA Poultry Processing Plant- Dr. Brian Kiepper, UGA Poultry Science   Dinner

Continental Breakfast
Bird Physiology and the Environment:
Litter Management and Bird Health - Dr. Casey Ritz, UGA Poultry Science
Understanding How Birds Lose Heat - Mr. Mike Czarick, UGA Poultry Science
Poultry Lighting Program Concepts

Your course registration fee of $925 covers course notebook and other materials; Continental breakfasts, lunches, refreshments and dinners

To register go to

Space is limited and registration closes on December 5, 2014, so please register early to ensure acceptance.

1 participant:
Fill in requested information & click on "Continue"
At "Shopping Cart" review & click on "Checkout" to proceed with order.

2 or more participants:
Fill in requested information & click on "Continue"
At "Shopping Cart" review & click on "Continue Shopping" to register another person.
Repeat registration process for each person.
Once all participants are registered, please review "Shopping Cart" & then click on "Checkout" to proceed with order.

Hotel Reservations
A block of rooms has been reserved for our short course at the Holiday Inn. The Holiday Inn is located at 197 E. Broad Street, Athens, GA. Guests may call the reservation office for reservations at 1-800-465-4329/706-549-4433 or using block code “POL”. You must enter this block code online in order to receive the discount.

If you require overnight accommodations, please make your own reservations prior to January 8, 2015. Directions to the Holiday Inn can be found at Click on “Directions.”

We look forward to having you spend a few days in Athens, GA. There are two ways to get to Athens from Altanta; rental car or the Groome Transportation shuttle service. Reservations can be made for the shuttle using the link below. Groome makes 18 round trips between Atlanta and Athens each day. Please note that Groome Transportation only picks up at the Atlanta airport, so you would have to travel back to the airport and catch a ride on the shuttle from there. Their website is or they can be contacted at (800) 896-9928 or (706) 410-2363