"Building the Canada Brand"
The Banff Pork Seminar features speakers of international calibre who are recognized authorities in their field. The seminar is designed for participants who are interested in improving their knowledge and decision-making abilities in pork production. Commercial pork producers, researchers, agribusiness service and supply representatives, extension and education specialists, and anyone interested in the latest information in pork production and technology are invited to attend.
Offering a view to the future in its plenary sessions and practical "take home" information in its breakout sessions, the Banff Pork Seminar now attracts more than 860 delegates from all across Canada, the USA, Europe and Asia. Our attendees represent all aspects of pork production and every large pork organization and business is well represented at our Seminar. As such, it is now one of the premier pork seminars in North America.
Some of the topics to be developed are: Pig Trucking and Handling - Turning Carbon Credits into Cash Flow - Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness - Positioning your Company for Success - Data Mining to Improve the Bottom Line - Leading Edge Nutrition / Amino Acids - Leading Edge Nutrition / Next Generation Diet Formulation - Alternatives to Antibiotics - Maximizing the Life of Barns and Manure Storage - Disease Control in Large Swine Populations - Feed Quality and On-Farm Feed Mills - Composting Manure and Deadstock - Setting up Sows for Lifetime Performance.