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Focus on the Future Conference 2006
Focus on the Future Conference 2006

Focus on the Future Conference 2006

March 27, 2006
General Info
March 27-28, 2006
The Travelodge Hotel
Saskatoon, Saskatchewa

This year''s Conference is scheduled to be hosted on March 27-28, 2006 at the Travelodge Hotel in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Don''t miss this chance to register for a very informative Conference that will help you produce results for your hog operation.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Pre-Conference Swine Health Seminar
"Circovirosus & the Fight Against PCV2"

Swine Health Seminar
* Registration, coffee sponsored by Hergott, Duval, Stack & Partners
* Circovirsus Update: New Diseases and New Challenges, Dr. Frank Marshall
* Vaccinating the Sow to Protect the Piglets, Dr. Francois Joisel, sponsored by Merial Animal Health
* Refreshment Break
* Vaccinating the Sow to Protect the Piglets, Dr. Francois Joisel, sponsored by Merial Animal Health
* Issues Surrounding PCV2, Dr. John Harding - WCVM
* Manitoba Pork Council Swine and Cheese

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Focus on the Future Conference
"Optimizing the Production System"

Focus on the Future Corporate Sponsor PIC Canada Ltd.
* Registration, coffee sponsored by Elanco Animal Health
* Welcome to the Conference, Lee Whittington - PSC
* How Do I Maximize My Returns by Incorporating Feed Peas and Pulses inyo My Diets?, Dr. Pascal Leterme - PSC
* Better Understanding the Pig''s Perception of Space: How Does this Benefit My Operation?, Dr. Harold Gonyou - PSC
* Refreshment Break, sponsored by Co-op Feeds
* Concurrent Breakout Sessions

- Session 1: Large Group Housing and AutoSort Systems
Maximizing their Economic Performance in Finishing Systems, TBA, sponsored by Hypor

- Session 2: Maximizing Sow Herd Performance
Identifying Opportunities to Maximize Gilt Performance, Dr. George Foxcroft - Swine Reproduction Development Program, sponsored by Feed-Rite, Saskatoon Processos Inc, & Wyeth Animal Health

* Lunch Break, sponsored by Penner Farm Services
* Variability in the Finishing Barn: How Does This Impact the Profitability of My Operation?, Dr. John Patience - PSC
* Circovirus & PMWS ... A European Review, Dr. Francois Joisel - Merial Animal Health, sponsored by Merial Animal Health
* What Are the Economics of Dietary Phosphorus?, Dr. Denise Beaulieu - PSC
* Refreshment Break, sponsored by SPI Marketing Group
* Geo-Chemistry and Hydrology Near EMS Facilities, Dr. Terry Fonstad - University of Saskatchewan, College of Bio-Resource Engineering
* What is the True Value of Manure?, Dr. Jeff Schoenau - University of Saskatchewan, College of Bio-Resource Engineering
* Novel Approaches to Controlling Odour and Emissions from Swine Facilities, Dr. Bernardo Predicala - PSC
* Closing Comments, END OF CONFERENCE