January 17-20, 2006
The Banff Centre
Alberta - Canada
The Banff Pork Seminar features speakers of international calibre who are recognized authorities in their field. The seminar is designed for participants who are interested in improving their knowledge and decision-making abilities in pork production. Commercial pork producers, researchers, agribusiness service and supply representatives, extension and education specialists, and anyone interested in the latest information in pork production and technology are invited to attend.
2006 Dr. F.X. Aherne Prize for Innovative Pork Production
Open to owners, production managers, herdspeople or consultants in the Western Canadian pork industry.
What can be entered?
• An original solution you have developed to answer pork production challenges or creative use of a known technology.
• The innovation can apply to any segment of pork production, such as feeding, breeding, disease control/prevention, manure management, ventilation, facility or enterprise management, pork quality and safety.
• Not all innovations are complex - simple ideas can be very effective solutions.
Topics of the Programme Sessions:
Session I: Achilles Heel of Canadian Pork Production
* Risks to Canada''s Domestic & Export Markets - Kevin Grier, George Morris Centre, ON
* Industry Structure / Integration - Jerry Bouma, Toma & Bouma Consulting
Session II: The Pork Wars - Future Rivals
* China - Pork Powerhouse of the World - R.J. Wang, Jinnai Agribusiness Research Center, China
* Competition from Eastern Europe and Beyond - New Players in the Global Pork Industry - Fiona Boal, Rabobank New York
Pork Production & Prosperous Communities
* Consumers'' View of Pork Production - Susan Jones, VP Agribusiness, Food & Animal Health, Ipsos-Reid
* Impact of Pork Industry on Rural Communities - Wayne Caldwell, Univ Guelph
* Pork Produces Prosperous Communities - Harry Enns, Woodlands, MB
Breakout Sessions
Morning Breakout Sessions:
* Pork Industry Integration - Local and National / Karen Hamann, The Institute for Food Studies & Agro-industrial Development IFAU, Denmark; Arnold Drung, Conestoga Meats, ON
* Threats to Sustainability of Pork Production / Kevin Grier, George Morris Centre, ON; Kate Rich, Alberta Environment, AB
* Skilled Labour Shortage - Is there a remedy? / Alex Callejon, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, AB; Rachelle Langlois, Alberta Economic Development - Immigration, AB
* Farm Insurance - Peace of Mind vs. Sleepless Nights / Cheryl Berndt, AON Reed Stenhouse, SK; Ervin McGrath, Leroy Agencies, SK
* Are there biological limits to production? / Montse Torremorell, Sygen, KY; Neil Shantz, Warman Veterinary Services, SK
* Welfare Assessment: We Care and it Shows / Bill Ballantyne, Maple Leaf Pork, ON; Florian Possberg, Big Sky Farms Inc, SK
* Manure is an Asset, not a Liability / Jeff Schoenau, Univ Saskatchewan, SK; John Kolk, Picture Butte, AB
Afternoon Breakout Sessions:
* Veterinary Issues Update / Flavea Reis Zagury, Elanco Animal Health, Brazil; Lorne Babiuk, Vaccine & Infectious Diseases Organization (VIDO), SK; Charles Rhodes, Western College Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) , SK; Speaker TBA, VIDO Tech Group
* Recapture Lost Profit - Carcass Trim and Demerits / Julia Keenliside, AAFRD, AB; Chester Goetzinger, CFIA; Tom Crenshaw, Univ Wisconsin, WI
* Can Alternative Energy Sources Reduce Costs? / Scott Maynard, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, BC; Terry White, Saskatchewan Research Council, SK; Susan Aris, Canadian Wind Energy Association, AB
* 30 Pigs per Sow per Year...are we there yet? / Richard Johnson, Big Sky Farms Inc, SK; Henrik Jensen, Christiansminde Multisite K/S, Denmark
* Amino Acid Nutrition in Pigs / Brian Kerr, USDA-ARS, Nat''l Swine Research and Info. Center, IA; Barbara Stoll, USDA-ARS Children''s Nutrition Research Center, TX
Poster Session: Best of Current Research
The best and most interesting research submitted for the poster session will be selected for 15 minute theatre presentations and discussion. Research posters will be displayed from 8 am to 5 pm Wednesday and Thursday.
Future Conferences
January 16-19, 2007
January 15-18, 2008
January 20-23, 2009