September 6, 2005 - September 9, 2005
Double Tree Hotel Sonoma Wine Country
Rohnert Park, California
United States of America
The Safe Pork 2005 Committee has worked hard to craft this meeting as a great learning and networking opportunity for international exchange of ideas/research and policy issues related to control of foodborne pathogens in pork, particularly within pre-harvest environments.
The scientific meeting will start promptly Wednesday AM with an all day general session format. On Thursday AM the plan is a split session followed by an educational/social event in the Napa Valley for the afternoon/evening. Friday will be an all day general session. Throughout the meeting opportunities are planned to visit poster sessions and with our sponsors in an informal atmosphere.
Scientific Program Topics
The scientific program will encompass foodborne hazards that may be transmitted via pork. These topics include:
1) Pathogens of foodborne importance
2) Antimicrobial resistance
3) Chemical hazards
4) Physical hazards
For each of these main topics, papers regarding the following are sought:
• Pre-harvest, post-harvest, and public health
• Trace back: Examples and difficulties
• Molecular epidemiological approaches
• Estimated costs/benefits to producers (treatment/prevention/etc), humans (public health), industry/government, and food safety marketing
• Evaluation/comparisons of diagnostic tests, validation studies, new diagnostics, etc.
Risk Análisis
• Including any component of risk analysis regarding foodborne hazards
• Risk assessment, Risk characterization, Risk communication, Risk management, and Policy relating to risk
The Evaluation of Interventions at any stage of the pork chain
• On-farm, lairage, during harvest, processing, retail, and consumer education
Monitoring and Control Programs
• Includes descriptions of programs, program evaluations, impacts on public health, estimated costs and benefits
Public Health
• Estimated health burden of food borne hazards in pork, impact of control programs, consumer educational programs, consumer surveys regarding pork safety
Join Safepork 2005, and be part of the 6th International Symposium on the epidemiology and control of foodborne pathogens in pork.