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2013 AFIA-KSU Feed Manufacturing Short Course
2013 AFIA-KSU Feed Manufacturing Short Course

2013 AFIA-KSU Feed Manufacturing Short Course

February 18, 2013 to February 21, 2013
Holiday Inn Hotel - Manhattan - Kansas - United States
General Info

The Department of Grain Science and Industry at Kansas State University, in partnership with industry associations, has held Feed Manufacturing Short Courses since 1976. These courses are taught by a unique blend of individuals from Kansas State University and within the feed and allied industries and provide in-depth training on all aspects associated with feed manufacturing.

Who should attend?

This is an interactive course that provides participants with an in-deph understanding of the specifics of feed processing. It targets individuals with feed industry experience that understand the basic principles of feed manufacturing. The emphasis for this course is feed safety.

Location and Registration

$900 for AFIA members

$1000 for non-AFIA members

This fee will cover the course materials and other expenses, including the opening ceremony banquet, group luncheons and breaks. This fee does not cover the cost of hotel, transportation, dinner or other incidental costs. The registration fee will be completely refunded if the course is cancelled or if the course filled before an individual's registration is received. Registration is confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Seminar Schedule

Monday Feb.18- Starting at 5:00 pm

- Registration

- Dinner

- The Feed Industry and its Future with Feed Safety

Tuesday Feb.19

- How will the Food Safety Modernization Act affect you in your Feed Mill?

- Establishing an Effective Quality Control Program

- Feed Mill Sanitation Program and Control

-Grain Handling and Storage Techniques for Optimal Feed Quality (Good Manufacturing Practices)

- Batching, Mixing, and Particle Size Reduction Provesses (Good Manufacturing Practices)

- Particle Size Measurement WorkShop and Q/A session in GSI Feed Mill

Wednesday Feb.20

- Worker Safety and OSHA Regulations

- Managers Role and Environmental Policies

- Factors Affecting Pellet Mill Performance and Pellet Quality

- Pellet Coolers and Post Pellet Liquid Application Systems

- Mold and Mycotoxin Control in Feed

Thursday Feb. 21- Adjourn at 11:30 am

- Managing Energy Conservation

- Applying Feed Safety Programs in the Feed Industry

- Certificate Presentation