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19th Practical Short Course - Advanced Oil Processing - Palm, Palm Kernel and Coconut Oil Processing...
19th Practical Short Course - Advanced Oil Processing - Palm, Palm Kernel and Coconut Oil Processing...

19th Practical Short Course - Advanced Oil Processing - Palm, Palm Kernel and Coconut Oil Processing...

February 12, 2018 to February 13, 2018
Hotel Estelar La Fontana Av. Calle 127 15A-10 - Bogotá - Colombia
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After successful Palm and Lauric Oil Processing courses in Bogotá, Colombia (2016 and 2015), Panama City, Panama (2013), San Jose, Costa Rica (2012), Newport Beach CA (2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2010), we bring the Palm and Lauric Oil Extraction and Oil Processing program to Colombia the leading Palm Oil producting country in Latin America.
This 2-day short course will bring together industry experts from around the world offering practical information on oilseed and oil processing and quality issues and how to integrate these in downstream products. The program is directed at plant engineers, chemists, technicians, managers, and superintendents from the Americas.
This is a unique opportunity for new plant personnel and for those who are experienced to meet experts in the field to discuss current problems and learn how to enhance their operations. The course material will also serve as a useful reference for processors, product formulators, chemists and technicians as well as business managers familiar with oils & fats processing, and the production of finished products.
Target Group
Decision makers such as technicians, equipment manufacturers, product formulators, plant engineers, processors, chemists and sales and marketing specialists.
Lectures  (View all lectures)
Hotel Estelar La Fontana
Enrique Diaz
Estados Unidos de América
Product Line Manager Vegetable Oil & Animal Feed Division