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PIX | AMC 2022
May 15, 2022 to May 17, 2022
Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre 2684-2690 Gold Coast Highway Broadbeach QLD 4218 - Gold Coast - Queensland - Australia
Meeting Room 7, First Floor
Biosecurity in modern feed mills - Dr Jonathan Wilson
Australasian Milling Conference
‘Beyond 2020 – Feeding the Future‘
TUESDAY, 17 MAY 2022
Biosecurity in modern feed mills - Dr Jonathan Wilson, Novus Nutrition, USA
Dr Johnny Wilson was born in McPherson, Kansas and completed his undergraduate degree in Feed Science and Management from Kansas State University. He was enrolled in the Honors Program which allowed him to complete a research project eventually leading to graduate school where he obtained both an M.S. and PhD in Grain Science, specializing in Bioprocessing and Fermentation.
He currently oversees all liquid feed ingredient application systems for Novus in the United States and Canada. Since his background is in feed manufacturing and ingredient processing, he also assists in technical service and troubleshooting for the North American region at Novus.
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Johnny Wilson
United States
Application system manager
Meeting Room 7, First Floor
Formulation and ingredients