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ISNH/ISRP International Conference 2014
ISNH/ISRP International Conference 2014

ISNH/ISRP International Conference 2014

September 8, 2014 to September 12, 2014
Canberra - Australia
General Info

We would like to invite you to participate and contribute to the first the joint International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores/International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (ISNH/ISRP) in Canberra, Australia, 8 -12 September 2014. The Conference will focus on the theme of “Harnessing the Ecology and Physiology of Herbivores”.

Please direct enquires to the Conference Secretariat at

See the Full Program HERE

Abstracts and full papers

If you have not submitted an abstract and still wish to do so, please email your paper title, authors and affiliations as soon as possible so that you too can join the 700 or so authors who have already submitted from across the globe. Our organising committee will provide instant feedback on the suitability of your nominated paper(s) as a 1page or 4page submission.

No extensions to these final paper submission dates will be granted under any circumstances.

Paper Submission Deadlines

4 page papers due to Scholar One       13 March 2014

1 page papers due to Editor                1 May 2014


Registration for ISNH / ISRP 2014 is now OPEN. Take advantage of early bird registration and register now! Early bird registration closes on 30 June 2014.

To register online or to download the registration brochure visit the Conference website.

Field Trips

Three field trips have been organised for Friday 12 September and are inclusive for full registration. Transportation is provided for all of the tours.

Sheep Tour

The region to the west of Canberra is home to arguably the world’s best superfine Merino wool and prime lamb producing sheep flocks. This tour will visit progressive flocks from the wool and prime lamb industries to learn about key management and production strategies being implemented to optimise enterprise productivity and profitability. Topics to be covered include health, nutrition, genetic improvement, reproductive efficiency, lamb survival and product marketing. Delegates will have an opportunity to interact with producers, researchers and support personnel from the wool and sheep meat industries as well as view the picturesque countryside and historic towns that support the sheep industry in regional Australia.

Dairy Tour

Participants of this farm tour will visit the world-first pasture-based robotic rotary AMR at the University of Sydney's Dairy Farm "Corstorphine". Corstorphine is an intensified pasture –based system milking 400 cows in only 75 ha of milking platform. The tour attendees will be among the first to have a unique opportunity to see this impressive system in operation. See how cows travel voluntary day and night and get milked in this futuristic and unique dairy system. The visit will be hosted by the FutureDairy Research team, who are international experts in pasture-based robotic milking and intensified dairy systems.

Beef Tour

The south western slopes of NSW, including the region around Canberra is an important beef breeding and pasture finishing area within Australia’s Southern Beef Production industry. It is also a strong seedstock breeding area which supplies genetics to all parts of Australia This tour will visit both commercial and seedstock breeders to study current production and marketing trends amongst producers. Delegates will also have the opportunity to learn about developments in pasture production aimed at optimising the efficacy of cattle production from this feed source.

Conference Venue

The National Convention Centre offers conference facilities, exhibition halls and function rooms and is the largest purpose-built meetings and events facility in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). The Convention Centre is conveniently located between the cities of Sydney and Melbourne and is a great destination for delegates with easy access via plane, bus, train or car.

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