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Food Animal Innovation Summit
Food Animal Innovation Summit

Food Animal Innovation Summit

September 21, 2021 to September 23, 2021
2451 Alumni Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 The StateView Hotel Marriott Autograph Collection - Raleigh - North Carolina - United States
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Occurring September 21-23 at the StateView Hotel on NC State’s Centennial Campus in Raleigh, NC, the 2021 Symposium is in-person, with hybrid options, and hosted by NC State’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Food Animal Initiative.

Here’s the line-up:

Carolina Feed Industry Association (CFIA) Fall Conference. CFIA will host an industry-focused meeting, with a slant toward technical professionals, and will look at pre-harvest and in-the-field technology as well as feed mill quality.

Animal Health and Nutrition Consortium (AHNC) Symposium. AHNC will host a scientific meeting for academics and technical specialists in the industry and focus on gut health and precision management of animals.

Precision Animal Systems (PAS) Symposium. With the PAS Symposium, the audience shifts to the producer, with a focus on technology and how you can use the collected data.


Who’s Hosting?

Dr. Peter Ferket will head up the CFIA portion of this year’s event. Ferket is a William Neal Reynolds Professor of Nutrition and Biotechnology in the Prestage Dept. of Poultry Science and Director of the Animal Health & Nutrition Consortium.

On the CFIA and AHNC team will be Dr. Jonathan Holt, who works in the Department of Animal Science as an Extension Swine Specialist and Assistant Professor. Dr. Stephanie Ward will lead the PAS Symposium; also in Animal Science, Ward is an Assistant Professor and Extension Dairy Specialist.


What Makes This Event Unique?

This symposium is multi-species, including poultry, dairy and swine. The ideas to be discussed impact all of these species, but that doesn’t mean the various farm service providers frequently talk.

“In their 2019 Symposium reviews, attendees said they really enjoyed hearing about multiple groups. There’s a large biannual dairy precision conference, as well as one for swine and poultry, but not one that brings it all together,” says Ward. This symposium delivers on that request.

Lectures  (View all lectures)
Fusion Ballroom
Patricia A. Curtis
United States
Professor and Director
Fusion Ballroom
Synergy Ballroom
Fusion Ballroom