General Info
Agromek is the largest annual agricultural mechanization exhibition in Northern Europe.
Agromek 2004 had an attendance figure of 78,332 including 10,207 foreign visitors from 64 different countries.
Machines, installations and production aids for cattle farming and pig production will be presented in Agromek's section for livestock housing mechanization.
Agromek also presents special exhibits, e.g.: Grain treatment and industrial feedstuffs production, vegetable production, care of gardens and parks, forestry, bio-energy systems and elite Danish cattle.
• Field Work:
o Tractors and ATVs.
o Spare Parts and Equipment for Tractors, Machines and Implements for Fieldwork.
o Electronic/Measuring Equipment for Field Work.
o Cultivation.
o Sowing and Planting of Crops.
o Fertilization (Manure Spreading - Spreading of Artificial Fertilizers and Lime - Equipment for Fertilizer Spreaders - Artificial Fertilizer - Mechanical/Thermal/Biological Control - Spraying - Insect Control).
o Irrigation.
o Harvesting of Forage and Cereal Crops (Choppers, Shredders, Field Silage Harvesters, etc. - Rakes and Tedders - Combine Harvesters - Balers and Equipment for gathering/spreading Straw plus storage of silage, straw and hay).
o Treatment of Grain and Seed on the Farm.
o Harvesting and Treatment of Vegetables/Root Crops.
• Animal Husbandry:
o Livestock Housing, Equipment, Installations and Fittings (Feed Preparation, Feeders and Drinkers - Ventilation, Heating, Housing Climate and Alarm - Milking - Dung Clearance, treatment and storage of manure/slurry - Fittings, Equipment and Livestock Housing - Articles/Tools for Livestock Husbandry - Feed Agents, Additives and Veterinary Articles - Farm Pest Control - Pens - Breeding Stock).
• Transport, Cleaning and Maintenance:
o Cultivation.
o Fertilization (Spreading of Artificial Fertilizers and Lime).
o Loaders.
o Waggons.
o Transport equipment.
o Tools and Cleaning.
o Care of Hedgerow and Verges.
• Power and Heating:
o Power and Heating.
• Water and Sanitation:
o Water and Sanitation.
• Buildings and Building Components:
o Buildings and Building Components.
• Farm Management, Service and Communication:
o Farm Management, Services and Communication.
• Working Environment:
o Working Environment.
• Gardens/Parks:
o Gardens/Parks.
• Forestry/Christmas trees:
o Forestry/Christmas trees.
• Contractor Machines:
o Contractor Machines.
• Fish Farming:
o Fish Farming.
• Feed, Grain and Seed - Industrial Plant:
o Cleaning, Drying, Storage.
o Transport.
o Weighing, Control, Management and Administration.
o Feedstuff Production.
o Seed Grain Production.
• Machines and Equipment for other Industries:
o Machines and Equipment for other Industries.