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5th Annual Meeting RELIM 2019
5th Annual Meeting RELIM 2019

5th Annual Meeting RELIM 2019

November 25, 2019 to November 28, 2019
La Plata - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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Dear RELIM’s members and friends from the world, the 2019th brings new global challenges in udder health and milk quality. For these reasons, this year our V Annual Meeting of the Latin American Network in Mastitis Investigation (RELIM) will continue in the southern cone, from RELIM Uruguay – 2016 to RELIM Argentina – 2019.
RELIM Argentina – 2019 will be held, thanks to the support from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, between 25th and 28th of November in La Plata, city head of the district of La Plata and capital of the province of Buenos Aires, distant 60 kilometers from the Federal Capital. La Plata has a population of around 750 thousand inhabitants, which makes it the fourth largest city in the country. Since La Plata is a capital city, it carries most of the administrative and government activities, being the seat of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial powers of the province.
Given its centrality in the life of the country, together with the attractiveness of its architecture, its particular urban development, its historical heritage, and because it has the oldest Veterinary Faculty in South America, we consider that the City of La Plata is a destination that cannot be forsaken.
RELIM's aims are to improve the exchange of scientific knowledge in udder health and the production of quality milk for the world population, within the framework of the sustainability and efficiency of dairy production. This is why in the year 2019 the motto of our meeting will be: "Milk Quality in One Health". The program of Argentina - 2019 is designed for all the people interested in mastitis control, in the production of quality milk and in the udder health. Attendees will be from around the world and include veterinarians, producers, researchers, extension specialists, industry suppliers, officials, veterinary professors and graduate school students. The meeting will have exhibitors and speakers of the first line in the international context that will address the latest advances and approaches in the research and control strategies of bovine mastitis and milk quality. Our meeting will also address the production and milk quality in small ruminants, an emerging and relevant issue in Latin America and the world.
We are happy to invite you to share the RELIM´s spirit in the City of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.