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AgriScot 2015
AgriScot 2015

AgriScot 2015

November 18, 2015
Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston, EH28 8NB - Edinburgh - Edinburgh, City of - United Kingdom
General Info
AgriScot is the place for those seeking answers to the myriad of questions on their own circumstances. The Farm Business Event is where the best commercial and technical advice is on offer.
The Lowland Hall is the Country’s largest winter display of machinery where visitors will be able to view the latest developments in farm hardware and technology…from the latest tractors to equipment for both arable and livestock farms.
And this year the Upland Hall is introduced with more trade stands increasing the size and scale of the event.
Add in competitions for aspiring young agricultural professionals, silage and new products, business seminars, technical demonstrations and over 250 trade stands exhibiting a wide variety of products, services and advice covering every aspect of agriculture and it’s easy to see that AgriScot is the place to be if you are in the business of farming.
AgriScot's status as a leading business event is emphasised by visitor surveys which reveal that the main reasons visitors gave for attending were they wanted to see the latest products, to do business and to meet and talk to others in the industry.
Martin Dare, the man behind the organisation of AgriScot said this was a tremendous endorsement of the event.  "We have delighted that in a survey undertaken 96% of exhibitors indicated they want to come back and a good proportion of those returners have told us they want more space.”
Both the Highland and Lowland halls at Ingliston have been full to capacity in recent years and the waiting list for space has grown. The most recent independent survey carried out by Ian Solly Associates also revealed that 99.6% of the visitors interviewed stated that the show had either met or exceeded their expectations.  
While AgriScot started life as a specialist dairy event and still continues to attract the top exhibitors to its high quality dairy competition, the show now attracts a wide range of visitors with the survey showing beef farmers predominated, followed by those in the dairy sector. Arable, pig and poultry farmers also attended in large numbers confirming AgriScot as an all-industry event.