More than 900 people from 470 different companies and over 70 different countries participated in the Aquaculture Feed Extrusion, Nutrition & Feed Formulation program in the last eight years. Smart Short Courses now brings this exciting program back to its roots in Europe.
This is a crash course for new plant personal and opportunity for those who are experienced to meet experts in the field to discuss their current problems to enhance their plant operations. The course material will also serve as a useful reference for processors, product formulators, chemists and technicians as well as business managers familiar with Aquafeed, extrusion, nutrition and feed management.
This is the only extensive program that covers a wide range of topics with specific practical aspects!
Target Group
Decision makers such as technicians, equipment manufacturers, product formulators, plant engineers, processors, chemists and sales and marketing specialists.

DAY 1: Monday, December 3, 2012
8:50 Opening remarks
9:00 Current and Future Market Trends in Aquaculture Feed, Dr. Ignace Debruyne, IDEA, Belgium
9:30 Strategies to Make Aquaculture a Sustainable Business, Aquaculture Stewardship Council, The Netherlands
10:00 Utilization of High Quality, Sustainable and Reliable Animal By-products in Aquafeed, Mrs. Carine van Vuure, Sonac, The Netherlands
10:30 Coffee/Tea Break
11:00 Utilization of Algae in Aquafeed and Nutrition, Dr. Koen Vanhoutte, Navicula, Belgium
11:30 Nutritional Requirements of Fish, Dr. Süreyya Özkizilcik, Nutra Yem, Turkey
12:00 Reducing Feed Cost in Aquaculture by Optimizing Nutrient Utilization and Gut Health, Mr. Sam Ceulemans, NutriAd, Belgium.
12:30 Lunch Break and Networking
13:30 Feed Formulation and Nutrition, Mr. Eric De Muylder, CreveTec , Belgium
14:00 Micro-Feed Production Technologies, Dr. Süreyya Özkizilcik, Nutra Yem, Turkey
14:30 Shrimp Feed: Formulation and Stability, Mr. Eric De Muylder, Crevetec, Belgium
15:00 Coffee/Tea Break
15:30 Critical Parameters and Plant Design for Aquafeed, Mr. Jacques Wijnoogst, Tema-International, the Netherlands
16:00 Least Cost Formulation for Aqua Diets, Mr. Peter De Letter, Adifo, Belgium
16:30 Dry Fish Feed and New Developments: Energy Savings, reduction of CO2, and Increase of Plant Efficiency, Mr. Jacques Wijnoogst, Tema-International, The Netherlands
17:00 Aquafeed Quality: Lipid Oxidation and Stabilization Strategies, Mrs. Nicola Tallarico, Kemin Europe, Belgium
17:30 Aqua Feed Quality Control: Chemical and Microbiological Aspects, Mr. Bart D’Heer, NutriAd, Belgium
18:00 Networking drink - End of Day 1
DAY 2: Tuesday, December 4, 2012
9:00 Ingredient Trends and the Effects on the Extrusion Process, TBN
9:30 Use of Soy Protein Concentrates in Extruded Products, Mr. Orla Nielsen (TBC), DuPont-Solae, Denmark
10:00 Grinding for Feed prior to Extrusion, Mr. Arthur vom Hofe, CPM Europe, The Netherlands
10:30 Coffee/Tea Break
11:00 Feed Pelletization, Mr. Arthur vom Hofe CPM Europe, The Netherlands
11:30 Proper Screening Allows Good Nutritional Quality Feed, Optimizes Production, and Reduces Losses, Mr. Freddy Holle (TBC), Rotex Europe, The Netherlands
12:00 Fundamentals of Extrusion Technology, Mr. Alain Brisset, Clextral, France
12:30 Lunch Break and Networking
13:30 Critical Issues in Extruder Process Control, Mr. Will Henry (TBC), Extru-Tech, U.S.A.
14:00 Extrusion technology with online control of product density and specific mechanical energy input, Mr. Urs Wuest, Buhler Group, Switzerland
14:30 Applications of Twin Screw Extruders, Mr. Alain Brisset, Clextral, France
15:00 High Fat Extrusion for Food and Feed Applications, Mr. Will Henry (TBC), Extru-Tech, U.S.A.
15:30 Coffee/Tea Break
16:00 Verifying End Product Quality, Dr. Egbert Stärk, Perten Instruments, Sweden
16:30 Extrudate Coating, Absorption Coating by Means of Vacuum and Micro Encapsulation, Ir. Peter Raeven, Dinnissen, The Netherlands
17:00 Sustainable Drying for Aquafeed, Mr. Scott Vallette, Buhler Aeroglide, U.K.
17:30 Proper Preparation - Dosification - Mixing Of Macro - Minor And Micro Ingredients and Liquids for Specialty Feeds, Mr. Joseph Barbi, E.S.E. Intec, U.S.A
17:45 Post Processing - Handling And Storage of Quality Extruded and Pelleted Feeds, Mr. Joseph Barbi, E.S.E. Intec, U.S.A.
18:00 End of Program