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Aquaculture America 2014

Aquaculture America 2014

February 9, 2014 to February 12, 2014
Seattle, Washington - United States
General Info

AQUACULTURE AMERICA 2014 returns to one of the favorite tourist spots in the world for the only major national aquaculture conference and exposition held in the U.S. The U.S. Aquaculture Society (formerly U.S. Chapter of WAS joins with National Aquaculture Association and the U.S. Aquaculture Suppliers Association to produce the annual Aquaculture America meetings.

These sponsors are joined by the annual meetings of Aquacultural Engineering Society, American Tilapia Association, Striped Bass Growers Association, US Trout Farmers Association, US Shrimp Farming Association and many more associations to make AQUACULTURE AMERICA 2014 the one meeting in the U.S. that you don't want to miss!


Come to Seattle for the conference and trade show and get all of Seattle's marvelous extras! Enjoy the many wonderful restaurants and night spots - visit the many world-class museums - fill your suitcases during shopping at a wide variety of great stores - visit the spectacles of the Cascade Mountains - cruise the Puget Sound - plan a ski holiday - take a side trip to Victoria or Vancouver, Canada!
There is something for everyone to enjoy in and around Seattle!


AQUACULTURE AMERICA 2014 will have the largest aquaculture trade show in the Western Hemisphere and one of the largest anywhere in the world with nearly 200 booths! This is your opportunity to inspect the latest in products and services for the aquaculture industry. It is the place to visit current suppliers and make new contacts. To keep ahead and to keep profits building, you need to keep pace with the technological advancements in the industry - and AQUACULTURE AMERICA 2014 is the place to do it!


Aquaculture America is known for the high quality of its Producer Program organized by NAA. AQUACULTURE AMERICA 2014 will continue to expand the size and scope of the producer program to address all of the issues facing producers in the U.S. as well as around the world.

Topics Include:

Communications and Media
Aquatic Animal Health
National Animal Identification
Feed Safety
Aquatic Invasive Species
Offshore Aquaculture
Environmental Issues
Start Up Aquaculture
Science and Public Policy
Federal Agency Updates


The U.S. Aquaculture Society will put together an extensive technical program featuring special sessions, contributed papers and workshops on all of the species and issues facing aquaculturists around the country and throughout the world. Sample topics:


Patrick Sorgeloos will present the Plenary addressing the conference theme: "Taking Aquaculture to New Heights Through Technology, Marketing, Collaboration" 

Marine biologist Patrick Sorgeloos (°1948) is professor of aquaculture at Ghent University in Belgium and has been involved in fish and shellfish larviculture R&D in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa ever since the mid-seventies. So far, over 250 Master and 60 PhD alumni graduated at Ghent University in the field of aquaculture. Patrick is a strong promoter of international networking in aquaculture and was/is involved with the World Aquaculture Society (1999-2000 President), the European Commission (chairman Thematic Network Aquaculture - AquaTnet; member Advisory Group DG Research FP7 theme 2 "food, agriculture and biotechnology; chairman ASEM Aquaculture Platform) and the European Aquaculture Technology & Innovation Platform (board member). He received honorary awards in China, Ecuador, Egypt, Greece, Thailand, USA and Vietnam.