SPACE is THE professional trade fair for all those involved in the breeding and rearing of livestock. A one-stop-shop for all those involved in the breeding and rearing of beef and dairy, sheep, poultry, rabbits and goats, SPACE spans over an exhibition area of 100,000 m². Now in its 24th year of existence, SPACE 2010 will be held at the Rennes Airport Exhibition Centre, Rennes, France.
Throughout its 10 exhibition halls and outdoor exhibition area, visitors to SPACE can meet suppliers in the animal feed and health and housing sectors, genetics, animal breeding and rearing equipment, materials handling equipment, among others.
Situated in the heart of a major breeding and rearing region of France, SPACE is proud to have become THE professional, international event, bringing together each year over 1,300 exhibitors and more than 10,000 foreign visitors from over 100 different countries.
During the 4 days of the fair, over 800 animals which have undergone a rigorous selection procedure for their high genetic value, are paraded in the ring, presented for competition and auctioned at the end of the show. Each year two noble breeds are given the honours at the show. SPACE 2010 sees Prim’Holstein and Rouge des Prés in the spotlight.
Also at SPACE, the latest, most innovative products and services in the sector are rewarded by the prestigious Innov’Space award. In 2009, 57 awards were presented during SPACE, providing a formidable boost to sales for our winning exhibitors.
SPACE is proud to welcome its many foreign visitors and likes to spoil them when they arrive, thus providing them with a VIP welcome upon arrival at the show. Free entry and a special welcome at the International Club are available to them as well as customised farm visits and factory tours in their various sectors of interest.
Livestock professionals have their show: SPACE in Rennes!
A high level of exhibitors and visitors satisfaction : (source Adquation surveys at SPACE 2009)
- 92% of the exhibitors said SPACE is a high quality trade show
- 90% said SPACE offers opportunities for making useful commercial contacts
- 97% of the visitors said the advantage of SPACE was that all the exhibitors they were interested in were at one Show
- 81% discovered new techniques, products and equipments
See the results of SPACE 2009
The 24th SPACE, held from 14 to 17 September 2010, confirmed its status as an essential date in the livestock industry calendar, offering unbeatable opportunities for stimulating and profitable contacts for industry professionals, despite the backdrop of the current crisis.
For all professionals in the cattle( beef and dairy ) pig, poultry, rabbit, sheep and goat industries. Sectors more represented by exhibitors:
- Animal Feed: 443
- Farm buldings: 235
- Farm equipments:329
- Breeding, artificial insemination, hatcheries: 283
- Handling, lifting, loading and transport on the farm: 181
- Farm waste treatment : 122
- Animal health: 138
- Agri-energy: 121
- Milking Equipment: 42
- Agricultural training: 42
The IFIIP forums each morning, the daily INRA presentations on the latest advances in research, the mayor SYRPA debate, RAMIS ( the North Africa Poultry Forum ) genomics, the robustness of the Brazilian poultry sector, the Spanish beef Industry, the future of Organic farming. France - Russia Conference...
Some 800 rigorosuly selected animalsare exhibited at the Show. The programme covers all four days with competitors, presentations and auction sales of animals of high genetic value.
See all the SPACE 2009 videos