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Article published the December 17, 2021
INTRODUCTIONThe swine slaughtering process is affected by practices that go from the establishment of fasting on the farm to the slaughtering stage in the slaughterhouse. Animals are subjected to practices that will directly reflect on the quality of their carcass, and on how meat cuts will be ranked as more or less valuable in the market. Thus, pre-slaughter phases are fundamentally relevant to t ...
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Article published the July 19, 2013
IntroductionModern layer strains have high genetic potential for egg production, and may produce eggs for more than one laying cycle by inducing molting. Forced molting is defined as a set of management practices that cause stress, inducing birds to stop producing eggs and the partial molting of the feathers (Roland & Brake, 1982). The objective of forced molting is to allow the reproductive s ...
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February 15, 2013
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