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Discussion created on August 26, 2012
Hi, I would like to know if someone has the experience about what I would like to do. I have 70 acres of land which I am thinking of building a kind of feedlot. Instead of being fattening cattle it would be for breeding purposes. I would like to know if this could be done, from your experience. I would build place to give the food daily to the animals and they are going to have all the rest of the ...
Discussion created on June 21, 2012
Hi, i live in the Dominican Republic and  I am starting to feed bulls in my farm which are 100% locked in one place. I´m planning to feed them with sugar cane and king grass, for the protein I am going to use urea. If you have any suggestions, grains in my country are very expensive for animal use. I need to get a 200kg gain in about 6-8 month. I would like to know if it´s posible ...
Participation in Forum on June 15, 2012
The age I don't know but they are animals of over 300kg most of them are crossbreed from Brahman x simmental or other beef breeds this its a company that gives you a quantity of animals I feed them and the weight that is gained is divide 60%for me and40for the company
Participation in Forum on June 11, 2012
I can change the urea with no problem, but can this type of diet help me achive my goal? I need a weight gain of minimum 200 kg in 6-8 months.
This member had joined Engormix
June 10, 2012
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Location:Brandon, Florida, United States
Profile: Businessman / entrepreneur / shareholders
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