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Francisco Gomez
Doctor Veterinary Z
Poultry Specialist, poultry disease, pathology, reproduction, nutrition, breeders and commercials flocks, egg production, incubation and hatcheri, operation the farms and procesing plants, QA,QC and HACCP, internal and external audits, training, turkeys, food production
Doctor Veterinary Z
Francisco Gomez likes this technical article:
ConclusionThe present study conducted at Schothorst Feed Research resulted in an average bioavailability of MHA-FA and diluted DLM65 of 65% and 61%, respectively compared to MetAMINO® considering the overall growth and carcass parameters.These results demonstrate that the relative bioavailability of MHA-FA is significantly lower than its active content of 88% and consistent with the 2018 EFSA ...
Participation in Forum on October 7, 2017
The phytases work in an excellent way in poultry nutrition. We need to remember the balance of the phosphates and calcium to increase the absorption of the nutrients in any formulation. I use the phytases in the formulas and I can see serious changes in the performance of the birds. Remember the live period of the birds and the genetics, we need to have all this aspects in mind, and give the best ...
Participation in Forum on March 20, 2009
Congratulation for your job, and the information about Avian Influenza studies. I work in the field for long time, to control and prevent this pandemic infection, and for me is excelent news. Thanks.
Participation in Forum on January 23, 2009
Congratulations, it'ss a good article about Vitamin Levels in Breeder Diets, very specific and with focus in the real practic, I really enjoyed it.
Participation in Forum on October 30, 2008
I work for long time in the AI program, low and high patogen; it is the first time that I listen about genetic studies for wild birds for AI. Please send me more information about this proyect and continued activities. Thanks.
Participation in Forum on October 28, 2008
It's a good article, the information is clear and direct; I really enjoy reading this time the communications. Make sence to send my congratulations to this team. Dr Gomez
This member had joined Engormix
October 15, 2008
equalizer Statistics: Forums(5)
Location:Rowlett, Texas, United States
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Doctor Veterinary Z
Followers (1)