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Article published the July 12, 2024
I. INTRODUCTIONThe ban on the use of AGPs together with good antibiotic stewardship practices by intensive livestock industries resulting in a decline of antimicrobial resistance globally (Salim et al., 2018). Probiotics have been widely studied partially as a replacement of AGPs. Some probiotics are able to improve production performance whilst improving gut health and decreasing the likelihood o ...
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Article published the January 12, 2024
Enteric diseases can severely affect the health and welfare of broiler chicks, often requiring antibiotic treatment. A key focus of livestock research has been the development of preventive measures to avoid the need for antibiotic products. Within this context, the use of dietary essential oils (EO) has been widely studied, showing consistent positive effects on gut health (Brenes & Roura, 20 ...
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Article published the December 20, 2023
The use of antimicrobials in agriculture including broiler production is cause for concern due to the development of antibiotic resistant pathogens affecting both farm animals and humans (Marshall and Levy, 2011). Essential oils (EO) have been considered as promising alternatives to antibiotics. The aim of this study was to establish a standard in-ovo intervention using oregano EO to enhance resil ...
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Article published the October 26, 2022
Nutrient-specific appetite has been defined as a dietary selection developed as a response to a specific nutritional requirement (Niknafs and Roura 2018). In chickens, specific appetites offer the opportunity to determine individual differences in nutrient requirements (Roura and Navarro 2018). In a double-choice feed model, slow compared to fast-growing chicks showed a high preference for feed su ...
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This member gave a presentation on February 9, 2021
At the following event:
32nd Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium
This member had joined Engormix
January 28, 2021
equalizer Statistics: Articles(4)
Location:Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Profile: Academic / scientific
Participations in events: