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Article published the August 14, 2019
The weaning transition in piglets is a stressful process associated with decreased feed intake, poor performance and increased susceptibility to infection, including post- weaning diarrhea. Antibiotic feed additives as ZnO or AGP have been commonly used during the weaning transition to prevent the postweaning lag in health and performance of piglets. However, the widespread use of subtherapeutic d ...
remove_red_eye 142
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Article published the April 9, 2019
Abstract An experimental direct-fed microbial (DFM) was evaluated in a dose- response trial to determine broiler live performance to 42 d with Coccivac® B at placement (d 0), used litter on d 4, and toxin-producing Clostridium perfringens (Cp) challenges on d 17-18 (by oral gavage and via water trough daily). There were 8 dietary treatment groups with 10 replicate pens of 30 chicks each per t ...
remove_red_eye 537
forum 1
Article published the April 9, 2019
Abstract Necrotic enteritis (NE) caused by Clostridium perfringens (CP) is a devasting bacterial disease responsible for economic losses, by increasing mortality because of damage to the broiler small intestine. Since ban of antibiotics use as growth promoters (AGPs) in some markets like in Europe and no antibiotic ever programs (NAE) in U.S., economic losses have become more prevalent. To preven ...
remove_red_eye 158
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Article published the April 9, 2019
Abstract Many species of Bacillus are used as probiotics in animal feed not only due their proven effect on health and performance of animals, but also the resistance of the spores to the high temperature of the feed manufacturing process. After the spore is ingested by the host it needs to germinate to be metabolically active and provide a benefit to the animal. The germination time of a spore v ...
remove_red_eye 376
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Video published on February 24, 2019
TJ Gaydos, Head, North American Poultry Programs at Phileo Lesaffre Animal Care, points out the mode of action of Safmannan® in poultry, which binds a broad spectrum of major pathogens in poultry, during IPPE 2019.
This member had joined Engormix
February 26, 2019
equalizer Statistics: Articles(4)Videos(1)
Location:Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States
Profile: Businessman / entrepreneur / shareholders
Occupation: Head, North American Poultry Programs
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Followers (17)