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Article published the August 23, 2021
IntroductionSilver has been known for antibacterial activity since ancient times. The importance of silver has regained due to the increase of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, caused by their overuse. Silver nano particles and silver based compounds containing ionic silver (Ag+) or metallic silver (Ag0) which possess antimicrobial activity are of great importance in the field of medicine. Silv ...
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Article published the July 26, 2021
IntroductionSilver has long been known to exhibit a strong toxic activity towards a wide range of microorganisms, for this reason silver based compounds have been extensively used in many bactericidal applications. Nano particles due to their large surface area are highly reactive and Ag Nano particles have been tested in various fields of biological sciences, Viz drug delivery, wound treatment, b ...
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January 25, 2016
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Location:Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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