Video from Poultry Industry
Video from Poultry Industry
Thierry Vendrell, International Sales Director of Calier, highlights the critical importance of intestinal immunity in m...
Video from Poultry Industry
Video from Poultry Industry
Thierry Vendrell, International Sales Director of Calier, explains how to use immunomodulators to support bird health an...
Video from Poultry Industry
Video from Poultry Industry
Thierry Vendrell, International Sales Director of Calier, discusses the critical role of vaccination programs in protect...
Video from Poultry Industry
Video from Poultry Industry
Thierry Vendrell, International Sales Director of Calier, highlights the key features and advantages of Calier's Salmone...
Video from Poultry Industry
Video from Poultry Industry
Thierry Vendrell, Directeur des Ventes Internationales de Calier, aborde l'importance des immunomodulateurs pour optimis...
Video from Poultry Industry
Video from Poultry Industry
Thierry Vendrell, Directeur des Ventes Internationales chez Calier, évoque les immunomodulateurs au niveau intestinal en...
Calier presents the authorization for broilers of its Primun Salmonella T vaccine against S. Typhimurium at the European Poultry Congress
In addition to the authoriza...
Video from Poultry Industry
Video from Poultry Industry
Wevap, the new Calier tool, audits the vaccination process (LE). Auditing the vaccination process—from biosecurity measu...
Video from Poultry Industry
Video from Poultry Industry
Auditing the vaccination process from the biosecurity measures that go through the taking of samples or the preparation ...
Calier is thrilled to report the success of our conference "Advances in Autogenous Vaccines: challenges and opportunities" , in which we brought together more than 50 ve...