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CME Group Grain and Oilseed forum: Perspectives and risk management
CME Group Grain and Oilseed forum: Perspectives and risk management

CME Group Grain and Oilseed forum: Perspectives and risk management

April 8, 2014 to April 10, 2014
Hotel St. Regis Paseo de la Reforma 439 - Mexico City, Colonia Cuauhtemoc, 06500 - Mexico - Mexico
Hotel St. Regis
Risk Management Training
7:45 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30 Welcome & Introductions - Richard Jelinek, CME Group and Jorge Alegría, MexDer
8:45 Futures, Options & Price Risk Management: Concepts & Issues - Richard Jelinek
10:15 Break
10:45 Latin American Basis, Cash Markets & Practical Hedging Examples - Carmen Díaz, Agritendencias & Servícios
12:00 p.m. Buy-Side - Option Risk Management Strategies - Ricardo Garcia, INTL FCStone
1:15 Lunch
2:30 Sell-Side - Option Risk Management Strategies - Alfonso Garcia, GAMAA Derivados (RJO'Brien)
3:45 Break
4:00 Responding to Market Volatility - Mike Shawver, CIH
5:15 Use of Foreign Currencies by Agricultural Customers - Craig LeVeille, CME Group & Reynaldo Lozano, MexDer
6:30 Adjourn
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Michael Shawver
Estados Unidos de América
Vicepresidente de desarrollo de nuevos negocios
Hotel St. Regis
Hotel St. Regis
Agricultural Perspectives & Outlook - 1st day
7:45 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30 Welcome & Introduction - Charles Carey, CME Group
9:00 Global Economy & Agricultural Perspectives - Blu Putnam, CME Group
10:15 Break
10:30 Corn & Wheat Global Outlook - David Hightower, The Hightower Report
11:45 Break
12:15 p.m. Satellite Perspective of Global & Latin American Weather & Ag Production - Nick Kouchoukos, Thomson Reuters (Lanworth)
1:15 Importance of Agricultural Information - Gavin Maguire, Thomson Reuters
1:45 Lunch
3:00 Soybean Complex Global Outlook - Bill Tierney, AgResource Company
4:15 Break
4:45 Technical Analysis (Grains & Oilseeds) - Dan Gramza, Gramza Capital Management
6:30 Reception
7:30 Adjourn & Dinner on Your Own
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Hotel St. Regis
Hotel St. Regis
Agricultural Perspectives & Outlook - 2nd day
7:45 a.m. Continental Breakfast
8:45 Latin American Economy - Salvador DiStefano, Economist
10:00 Break
10:15 Importance of USDA Reports - Rob Westmoreland, Informa Economics
11:15 Break
11:45 Latin American Cash Grain Panel - Moderated by Rob Westmoreland
Jose Luis Fuentes Pochat – President of CANIMOLT
Francisco de la Torre – Regional Director of United States Soybean Export Council – Las Americas
Jose Cacho Ribeiro – President & CEO of MINSA
1:15 p.m. Accessing the Markets - Anne Schankin, CME Group
1:45 Closing Remarks - Jorge Alegría, MexDer and Charles Farra, CME Group
2:00 Adjourn
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Hotel St. Regis