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Subodh Kumar
Participation in Forum on May 5, 2014
Dear sir, Green fodder is the most important feed component that brings about maximum increase in milk production immediately. Considering gradual loss f good pastures, the best alternative will be to go for Hydroponics Fodder. Authorities in Goa are reported to have installed Hydroponics fodder producing units and are very satisfied with the results.Hydroponics fodder also is very helpful in ensu ...
Participation in Forum on July 11, 2013
Dr Ahmad Sir, You have hit the nail on the head. I fully agree with you about a forum to protect our A2 herd. But I do not find any interest in Govt of India about preserving our A2cow breeds. Even in NZ it is a private farmer association decision to convert their herd to A2 milk.NZ Govt had deferred a decision on this subject. This needs a very good consumer awareness about importance of A2 mil ...
Participation in Forum on July 11, 2013
Dr Ahmad Ali Sir, Many thanks for your exhaustive note on A1A2 milk. in 2o11 there was a seminar held in Hotel Meridian Delhi, under sponsorship of CII.From USA two delegations one from from HF association and one from Jersey Association were on the dias. You may be aware that jersey milk is more A2 and much less A1 type. But HF milkis nearly all A1 type. I specifically asked HF delegation about ...
Participation in Forum on July 11, 2013
Sir, Your fears are perfectly valid. But progress of mankind and the world can not be halted by self promoting scientists and business interests. All setbacks are temporary and should not dishearten us. Truth finally prevails.
Participation in Forum on July 11, 2013
I wonder if veterinary experts in Pakistan have seen the A1A2 milk researches by NewZealand scientists. "Devil in the milk" by Keith Woodford is the main source of this very important research. Indian veterinary experts are now aware of the fact that Indian breeds of Cows belong to the 'ancient' breeds of cows and are the natural producers of A2 milk.. A1 milk has been found to be harmful for huma ...
Participation in Forum on July 11, 2013
Dr Nair Sir, You may consider to try calves sucking on cow teats as the last operation after milking is complete, as a natural disinfectant treatment for teats and thus avoid need for specially chemical formulations of teat dip solutions and their , expenses. Cows will also feel better by greater contact with their calves.
Participation in Forum on July 11, 2013
Sir, Heat stress is a problem with only non native breeds of cows. Over thousands of years in India cow breeds have evolved to suit the local climate. By and large the native breeds do not have much heat stress problem. It is our experience that with Indian breeds given good green fodder, meeting water requirements fully and by taking good care of cow comforts, there is little variation in milk ...
Participation in Forum on July 11, 2013
India has thousands of years old domesticated cow tradition. In traditional hand milking systems, a calf is allowed to suck on the teats of cow. The saliva of calf provides the natural disinfectant protection of the teats of cow. Cow remain free of mastitis and do not require any special teat dips. Following is quoted on this topic from wikipedia. " A common belief is that saliva contained in the ...
Participation in Forum on June 25, 2013
This is a very interesting and important strategy for providing good bedding for cattle. For use in India this shows great promise. I would like to know if this method is already being practiced any where in India. I would also like to learn a little more about the operational procedure of using this bedding. 1.What is the method adopted to separate and remove the daily fresh cow dung? 2. How fre ...
Participation in Forum on February 25, 2013
Very good suggestions. Here I would like to point out that the electricity shock hazard consideration should not be ignored while deciding electrical wiring in barns. Human electrical shock hazard threshold is 110--120 volts. That is why in USA 110 volts is the supply voltage for domestic installations. Nearly 15 years ago, due to an electric wiring defect, we lost about ten cows by electrocution ...
equalizer Statistics: Forums(30)
Location:Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Profile: Agricultural producer
Occupation: Agriculturist