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Mostafa Badri
Participation in Forum on March 7, 2017
So many thanks.
Participation in Forum on August 17, 2016
Hi there. I would just like to thank all of the participants in this informative discussion and ask about physical signs of heat on cattle. Best regards,Mostafa Badri
Participation in Forum on October 10, 2015
Hi Ella I'm ready to help's okay to ask everything that is related to A.I. best wishes
Participation in Forum on September 11, 2015
This is the first time I have ever read a comprehensive article about Aflatoxins.thanks a lot.
Participation in Forum on May 9, 2015
hi there i have difficulty in finding opening of the cervix while ai in cows .what tools is there to use for beginners? any other suggestions? thank you so much.
Participation in Forum on May 27, 2014
Hi Dr Jasmer Singh i want to thank you for your nice advice for treating mastitis cases in i bought a pH paper and i also found somewhere to buy tri sodium citrate .as you mentioned mastitis cases can be treated with this far i have not used this method but i want to report what happens to the cattle .thanks a millions . Mostafa Badri
Participation in Forum on May 27, 2014
hi there is it OK to treat all cases of cattle mastitis according to their milk pH?if so,please tell a little more about other options.i just wrote this to start a new discussion.thank you
Participation in Forum on May 9, 2014
Hi doctor Jasmer i continued the treatment with Penicillin and Gentamycin and also used some intra-mammary drugs. the result seems good ,the cow`s temperature is about normal range(38.8 c).it eats better than before .the milk color is normal.but inflammation of infected udder did not diminish .also lameness of hind limp has gone away.what is your suggestion about injecting calcium? best wishes ...
Participation in Forum on May 8, 2014
hi dear Jasmer Singh pH d the milk has some flakes in it and when i heated it became the cow initiated to eat but lameness is continued. sorry i don`t have pH paper to measure the secretions . best regards Mostafa Badri
Participation in Forum on May 7, 2014
hi there thank you for your comprehensive article about a person who works for a veterinary field i encountered a case of mastitis that does n`t respond to any treatment .a recently calved cow that was in a good condition is sick now with these signs:mild fever,inflamed udder with blemish color in a quarter,lameness at the affected side ,stopped eating,.a veterinarian prescribed dexam ...
equalizer Statistics: Forums(11)
Location:kabudrahang, Hamadan, Iran
Profile: Agricultural producer
Occupation: Dairy producer
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