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Parasites on swine

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Safglucan® – Mitigating the negative impact of Lawsonia intracellularis on pig performance and intestinal wellbeing. Phileo by Lesaffre has shown that feeding its yeast (1.3)(1.6) beta-glucan, Safglucan®, can help pigs cope better with the negative effect of enteric disorders caused by Lawsonia intracellularis. This is a new (patent pending) application for Safglucan® to help the pork industry achieve profitable production while also reducing antimicrobial...
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Ken Steen Pedersen
University of Copenhagen ( DenmarK )
Introduction: Loose housing systems for sows may have increased the occurrence and importance of Ascaris suum. Anthelmintic treatments can result in resistance development. Therefore identification of risk factors and development of alternative control strategies is relevant. The objective of this study was to identify risk factors associated with Ascaris suum egg counts in sows and gilts from intensive farms with loose housed sows. Materials and...
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Librado Carrasco
Universidad de Córdoba - España
Introduction: Toxoplasma gondii continues being one of the main food safety hazards for pregnant women and immunocompromised patients. In this sense, the distribution of this protozoan within the organism and the role of the infective dose in tissue distribution are of highly interest to understand the risk associated to the parasite and to decipher the pathobiology of this infection. Materials and Methods: To carry out this study 11 Iberian pigs...
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Anja Joachim
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
Introduction - vaccines against parasites In modern swine medicine, vaccination against various pathogens is an integral part of the health management. However, currently not a single vaccine against parasites of swine is commercially available. Compared to viral and bacterial pathogens, there is a general scarcity for anti-parasite vaccines; only two anti-nematode vaccines, one antitick-vaccine and a handful of antiprotozoal vaccines are available for domestic animals....
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Olena Ayshpur
Institute of Veterinary Medicine
Introduction Ileitis (proliferative enteropathy of pigs), caused by the obligate intracellular parasite, the bacterium Lawsonia intracellularis, is the most common intestinal infection worldwide, affecting piglets in the rearing and fattening pigs. Arnold et al. (2018) detected a whole group of pathological changes in the small intestine. The disease occurs in four different forms, namely: regional ileitis, intestinal adenomatosis, hemorrhagic enteropathy, necrotic enteritis. It...
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Peter Geldhof
Ghent University
Ascaris suum is currently the only parasitic worm that is still highly prevalent in modern intensive pig production systems. However, due to the subclinical nature of the disease, ascariasis often remains undiagnosed, creating a lack of information regarding the worm-status of a farm, which ultimately makes it difficult for the farmers and the veterinarians to evaluate the applied deworming programs. In recent years, our group has developed and evaluated a serological test that can be used...
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The favorable climate and low initial investment account for the popularity of raising pigs in dirt lots in the southeastern USA. The raising of swine on dirt, however, can pose several problems. One of these problems is that internal parasites (worms) are difficult to control, in particular in lots used over and over for swine. These parasites can cause swine to grow slowly and be unthrifty, and in severe cases can even kill swine. Fortunately, there are various chemical dewormers available...
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Introduction Parasites have long been neglected but nowadays are becoming more recognized as important foodborne pathogens. Various factors contribute to their undervaluation such as complex lifecycles and transmission routes, prolonged incubation period and chronic disease manifestations. In addition, rapid and sensitive diagnostic assays are not always available and therefore parasite occurrences are often underreported, resulting in low disease...
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Streptococcosis are diseases caused by different species of the genus Streptococcus and, in the case of swine, mainly due to Streptococcus suis . There are 35 recognised serotypes of S. suis, being the serotypes 2, 1/2, 7 and 9 the most frequently isolated in this...
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Paz María Salazar-Schettino
UNAM - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
The epidemiological cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi involves humans, the transmitting arthropod, and a large number of different naturally infected mammals. Mammals play an important role as reservoirs, specifically due to their close relationship with triatomines. The importance of the three mammalian cycles, wild, peridomestic, and domestic is well known; however, the present study concentrates on the peridomestic cycle because it links the other two, favouring that transmission of the...
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Anja Joachim
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
Background - vaccines against parasites In modern swine medicine, vaccination against various pathogens is an integral part of the health management. However, currently not a single vaccine against parasites of swine is commercially available. Compared to viral and bacterial pathogens, there is a general scarcity for antiparasite vaccines; only two anti-nematode vaccines, one anti-tick-vaccine and a handful of antiprotozoal vaccines are available for domestic...
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Joaquim Segalés
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB
Introduction The measure of the scientific quality and productivity of a particular researcher or research team has been traditionally a controversial issue. The topic is not trivial as it can be used by managers to evaluate professional promotions within a research institution, or by funding agencies and scientific panels to prioritize projects, grants and fellowships. The simplest way to tackle this challenge is...
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Erysipelas is a severe infectious disease caused by the bacterium Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. The disease is well-known, but basic knowledge particularly on the infection in chickens, is lacking. A new project (EryPoP) will provide novel information that will enable scientifically based guidelines to...
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Since parasites in commercial pig herds can cause economic loss to the producer in many ways including: decrease feed efficiency, increase time to market, and decrease carcass value. What would be the main procedures to be adopted to identify a worm problem? Look forward to hearing your experiences! ...
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Parasites have been a problem for livestock producers for as long as there has been livestock. These parasites can cause economic loss to the producer in many ways including: decrease feed efficiency, increase time to market, and decrease carcass value. With modern swine rearing techniques, the emphasis on swine parasites has shifted toward three internal parasites and one external one. The internal parasites include the large roundworm (Ascaris suum), the whipworm (Trichuris suis), and the...
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Lice may often go unrecognized in a swine herd, even though these parasites are widely distributed among herds in the United States. Lice infestation is often not considered a serious problem, but it may lead to economic losses for the producer. It is important for the producer to watch for signs of lice infestation and to be able to recognize these parasites on swine. About the...
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External parasites of swine are a serious problem for Florida producers. Arthropod parasites limit production by feeding on blood, skin, and hair. The wounds and skin irritation produced by these parasites result in discomfort and irritation to the animal. In Florida, the major pests on swine are lice, mange mites, ticks and stable flies, although horse flies, deer flies, mosquitoes and wound-infesting maggots may also cause severe problems. Hog...
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Cysticercosis is an infection caused by the pork tapeworm, Taenia solium . This parasite is found worldwide and is common in countries where raw or undercooked pork is eaten. Although incidences of infection are extremely rare in Canadian and American swine herds, over 1,000 human cases of cysticercosis are reported annually in the United States. Many of these human cases result after travel outside Canada and the United States. Life Cycle...
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Lice and mange mites are two common external parasites found on swine. Mange and lice infestations are increasing as confinement rearing increases, particularly mange. The crowding of animals promotes easier transmission. Hog lice are nearly 1/4-inch long and large enough to be easily seen with the naked eye. They are often overlooked, however, because of the slate blue color which may resemble the skin of the hog. Lice are first noticed in small clumps inside the ears...
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