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Egg Quality Traits and Shell Microbial Contaminations in Two Commercial Layer Strains Affected by Flock Age and Storage Period

Published: August 9, 2016
By: El-Sheikh*, T. M.; A.A.A. Abdel-Kareem* and S. Youns** / *Department of Animal and Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University, Egypt. **Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University, Egypt.

A total of 400 eggs were obtained from brown and white Hy-Line W-36 at 48 and 63 weeks of age to investigate the effect of hen age, storage time and strain of hens on interior and exterior quality of eggs. The eggs were sampled fresh and after storage for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days at room temperature. The eggs were weighed and broken, then measuring the internal traits (albumen, yolk height and width, pH, Haugh Unit (HU), deep of air cell, weight loss and specific gravity). The obtained results showed that the brown layer hens produced significantly heavier egg weight, higher eggshell quality traits and significantly lower albumen height compared to the white one. While, Haugh unit, yolk weight and yolk percentage were significantly higher in white hens as compared with brown strain. Egg weight, egg volume, egg surface area and eggshell weight increased, while egg shape index and shell percentage declined with increasing layer age. Haugh units, albumen height and yolk colour decreases significantly, while the yolk weight increases significantly with increasing layer age. All external and internal egg traits were highly significantly (P<0.001) affected by storage period, whereas shell weight and shape index were less significant (P<0.05). The strain had insignificant effect on bacterial and fungal eggshell contaminations, while layer age had significant effect (P<0.05) on these traits except aspergillus niger. Also, storage period had a significant effect on bacterial and fungal eggshell contaminations except E. coli and P. pluresence.

Key words: Egg quality traits, storage period and shell microbial contaminations.


In Egyptian governorates, the poor storage conditions of market-egg at room temperature especially in summer leads to higher economic losses for producers. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate the egg quality characteristics as well as factors affecting them up to arrive to the consumer in the best condition. The park yard system of the egg production sustains the small families’ economics and generates sustainable income (Colin et al., 2004)
There are many factors affecting egg quality, include the bird age (Menezes, 2012 and Ojedapo, 2013), egg size (Butcher and Miles, 2013), genetics (Rayan et al., 2013), environmental factors such as ambient temperature (Leandro et al., 2005 and Hasan and Okur, 2009), relative humidity (Menezes et al., 2009) and storage period (Samli et al., 2005). The genotype is one of the most important factors, which influencing egg weight and other egg characteristics. Many studies have shown heavier eggs in brown hens than in white ones (Vits et al., 2005). Also, Halaj and Grofík (1994) showed that egg shape index in the white hens Shaver Starcross 288 was higher than in the brown Moravia SSL. Contrary, Leyendecker et al., (2001b) reported that yolk weight and Haugh Units significantly higher in white egg chickens (Lohmann LSL) than that of the brown. Similarly, Tumová et al. (1993) found that the yolk weight and percentage significantly higher in Hisex Brown in brown eggs than in white eggs. Also, Ledvinka et al., (2000) indicated that eggshell weight and thickness had a higher in brown hens as compared with lines of White Leghorn.
The age of hens is another factors influencing egg weight. Johnston and Gous 2007 and Ojedapo, 2013) showed that the egg weight increased with the hens’ age. In contrast, Zemková et al. (2007) demonstrated that the egg weight was not affected by age. Also, Van den Brand et al., (2004) found that the age of hens increased yolk weight; albumen weight (Suk and Park 2001) and yolk proportion, but decreased albumen percentage (Rizzi and Chiericato 2005). The age of hens influenced the eggshell quality (Campo et al. 2007), which deteriorated with advancing age of hens. While, Van den Brand et al. (2004) found no significant effect on eggshell thickness and the shape index.
Referring to the storage period, many studies showed that the egg quality negatively affect and significantly reduce the Haugh unit. The findings of Jones and Musgroove (2005) showed a decrease in albumin height and weight of eggs with increase storage period. Also, the results of Samli et al., (2005) indicated that egg weight, albumen height, Haugh unit and yolk indices decreased significantly (P<0.001) with the advance of the storage period. While, Scott and Silversides (2000) found that the egg weight did not change in the first 10 days of the storage. Also, carbon dioxide level in the albumen is inversely related to albumen pH and is influenced by storage time. The findings of Reijrink et al., (2010) indicated that carbon dioxide level is high when an egg is laid and decreases with time causing the pH of the albumen to increase (Reijrink et al., 2010).
The objective of this study was to evaluate the egg quality traits and eggshell contaminations in two commercial layer strains at 48 and 63 weeks of age, at different storage periods 7, 14, 21 and 28 days under room temperature.
Experimental hen layers and management:
This study was conducted at Animal & Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University. A total of 400 eggs were collected from both of Hy-Line W- 36 and Hy-line brown at 48 and 63 weeks of age. All hens 25000 were raised in Tagaried Commercial Poultry Farm and housed in battery cages with 5 hens per cage (330 cm² per hen). All hens were fed ad libitum on a commercial ration containing 16% crude protein with 2724 kcal/ kg ME according to NRC (1994). The fresh tab water was available all the time. All hens were daily exposed to 16L: 8D with light intensity of 30 lux. Fresh eggs were collected and measured within 2 h of being laid. Each of 20 sampled eggs was stored in room temperature (32°C) for 5 periods as 7, 14, 21 or 28 days with relative humidity of 55-60% for all treatments.
The external egg quality traits:
Each egg was weighed using a 0.0g sensitive digital scale. Egg length and width (cm) of the egg were measured with electronic digital Vernier caliper sensitive. Shape index (%) is estimated by using this equation: = (egg width/egg length) × 100 (Anderson et al., 2004). Specific gravity of the eggs was measured by using saline solutions varied from 1.060 to 1.100 in increments of 0.005. The surface area (cm²) of each egg was calculated using the formula 3.9782W0.7056 according Carter (1975), where W is the egg weight in grams. Shell weight per unit surface area (SWUSA) expressed as mg/cm² and egg volume was calculated using formula (0.7608 × EW ×1.0474) according to Carter (1975). Shell weight (shell membrane inclusive) was obtained by weighing on the electronic scale. Eggshells were first dried for 72 hours at room temperature and then the thickness was measured using 0.01-mm precision micrometer. Shell percentage (%) formula = [shell weight (g)/egg weight (g)] ×100.
The internal egg quality traits:
Haugh units were calculated using the egg weight and albumen height as follows: Hu = 100 log (H-1.7EW0.37+7.57). Albumen height was measured at 1 cm from the yolk, using a 0.1-mm precision micrometer. Yolk was separated manually, weighed and expressed as percentage of egg weight. Yolk colour was determined on the Roche colour fan. Air cell deep (distance between eggshell and membrane, mm) was measured with same micrometer.
Egg samples for microbiology:
Eggshell samples were collected immediately after each storage period. The microbial populations in egg shell were enumerated by adding 10 g of sample to 90 ml of sterile phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and mixing the solution for five minutes under room temperature. Serial dilutions of the liquid phase in sterile PBS were plated on the surface of MacConkey agar, blood agar, nutrient agar and potato dextrose agar, serial dilutions plates were incubated for 24 hr. to 4 days at 37ºC. Colony-farming units per grams were calculated.
Statistical analysis:
The experimental design was 2 × 2 × 5 factorial arrangement comprising of 2 strains of layer chickens (Hy-Line W-36 and Hy-line brown), 2 ages (48 and 63 weeks in lay) and 5 storage periods (0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days) using the General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of (SAS 1998) by applying the following model.
Yijk = μ + Si + Aj + Gk + SAij + SGik + AGjk + SAGijk + eijk
Where: Yijk = the observation of the ith strain (S), the jth flock age (A) and Gth storage periods. SAij is the interaction between strain and breeder’s age, SGik is the interaction between strain and storage period, AGik is the interaction between breeder’s age and storage period and SAGijk is the interaction between strain, breeder’s age and storage period. eijk= Random error component was assumed to be normally distributed. Significant differences between treatment means were determined by using Duncan's new multiple ranges test (Duncan, 1955).
Effect of strain:
External egg quality traits:
As shown in Table (1), the effect of strain was highly significant (P<0.05, 0.001 and 0.0001) for all external egg quality traits except for USSA. It was observed that Hy-line brown layers produced significantly (P<0.05) heavier egg weight, volume and egg surface area as compared to Hy-Line W-36. This improvement in egg weight and volume could be attributed to responsible for the bigger eggs laid, as body weight is directly correlated with egg size. These results are in agreement with those of Alewi et al., (2012), who noticed that the weight of eggs was influenced by the type of breed. In current study the brown eggs were heavier than the white eggs, likely because the hens weighed more. Several investigators have compared the eggs of white and brown egg-laying strains (Curtis et al., 1985, 1986; Washburn, 1990). Generally, brown egg layers are believed to be heavier than white egg layers, and that they lay larger eggs with better albumen quality but thinner shells. These differences between white and brown egg layers are not due to a direct relationship with shell color but, rather, due to differences in the genetic origins of the hens. These findings showed that shape index in white eggs is lower (74.55) than that (76.14) of the brown eggs. These results are in agreement with findings of Alsobayel and Albadry, (2011) who found that white shelled eggs has SI value of 74.48 which was close to the ideal shape (74) reported by North and Bell (1990), while brown shelled eggs had higher SI (77.73) which means that they have a rounder shape and are more frequently liable to break when moved through marketing channels.
Eggshell weight and thickness were highly significantly affect (P<0.0001) by strain of layers, while shell proportion and shape index in Hy-line brown layer significantly (P<0.001) increases compared to Hy-Line W-36 strain. These findings are in agreement with Ledvinka et al., (2000), who indicated that the brown hens had a higher shell weight in comparison with lines of White Leghorn. Also, Rayan et al., (2013) indicated that the brown eggs had significantly higher shell percentage compared to the white ones. From our results, could be seen that the egg specific gravity, shell thickness, percent egg shell and shape index increased significantly in Hy-line brown as compared to Hy-Line W-36 strain of layers, an indication of genetic effects on these external egg parameters. The our findings are in agreement with those of Singh et al., (2009), who reported that different strains of laying hens vary significantly in egg shell quality. Alsobayel and Albadry, (2011) found that that white shell eggs had significantly higher weight, surface area and lower shape index and blood spot incidence. Scott and Silversides, (2000) concluded that the main effect of strain was significant for all measures except albumen pH. Eggs from brown hens were heavier than those from white hens
Internal egg quality:
These results showed that eggs from Hy-Line W-36 having significantly (P<0.05, 0.01 and 0.001) heavier yolk weight, yolk height and better Haugh unit and albumen height than eggs from the Hy-line brown. There were significantly dramatic changes in Haugh unit (53.18 to 48.07%), albumen height (4.04 to 3.55 mm) and yolk height from 10.10 to 9.31 mm in Hy-Line W-36 and Hy-line brown. These results are in conformity with those observed by Leyendecker et al., (2001b), who found significantly higher value for Haugh units in white layers than in brown hens. Also, Scott and Silversides, (2000) concluded that the main effect of strain was significant for all measures except albumen pH. Eggs from brown hens had more shell and albumen but less yolk. This difference between strains was reflected in the percentages of the components. The albumen pH of eggs from the two strains was nearly identical, but the albumen height of eggs from white hens was greater. Similar results were also found by Rayan et al., (2013), who found that Haugh units and yolk weights of the white eggs were significantly heavier than those of brown ones. Also, our findings showed a reduction in yolk colour in eggs produced from Hy-Line W-36 implies that the carotenoids and the xanthophyll's, which constitute the pigmentation were undergoing deterioration. The yolk weights of the white eggs were significantly heavier than those of brown ones. This result is in agreement with the findings of Leyendecker et al., (2001b) who stated that yolk weight for white egg were significantly higher (Lohmann LSL) in comparison with the brown Lohmann Tradition.
Effect of flock age:
External egg quality traits:
Data presented in Table (2) showed that egg weight, egg volume and surface area increased with increasing of the hen's age. This may be attributed to the increasing egg size with the hen's age. These results are in agreement with those of Johnston and Gous (2007), who reported that the egg weight increased with the hens’ age. In contrary, Zemková et al., (2007), showed that the egg weight was insignificantly affected by layer age. The present results revealed that there was a significant increase in egg shell weight, while egg shape index was decreased with advanced of layers age. The increase in eggshells of older layers could be attributed to their production of heavier eggs than those of young. Similar result was noticed by Suk and Park (2001) who observed that the eggshell weight was heavier in older hens than those of young. The decrease in shape index with increasing age could be attributed to the directly proportional to egg width and inversely to egg length, which means that with increasing age, the rate of eggs becomes longer is faster as compared rate of being wider. These results are in agreement with Rayan et al., (2013), who showed that egg shape index was decreased with advanced of layers age.
Internal egg quality traits:
The age of the hens had an influence on albumen height, with higher values (P<0.0001) in eggs from younger hens (3.93 mm) at 48 weeks, compared with (3.67 mm) at 63 weeks of age. These results are in agreement with the findings of Carvalho et al., (2003) who found that the albumen height is negatively affected as the age of the laying hen's increases. Haugh units and albumin height were also decreased significantly (P<0.001) with increasing hen age. The decrease in Haugh unit of eggs could be attributed to physical and chemical reactions that occur, leading to protein degradation. These results are in agreement with the results of Silversides et al., (2001), who reported that the Haugh unit of eggs obtained from hens at 26 weeks of age was 88.48, while it decreased to reach 77.40 at 65 weeks of age.
The lowest (P≤0.0001) yolk weight 17.92g was at 48 weeks of age compared with 18.44g at the age 63 weeks of age. These results are in agreement with those of Tumová and Ledvinka (2009), who confirmed that the yolk weight significantly increased with the hens’ age. Similar results were also found by Suk and Park (2001), who reported that the yolk weight increased with increase in age of the hens. Also, Singh et al., (2009), found that the yolk weight increasing with advancing layer age.
There was no effect of age on eggshell thickness and eggshell ratio. These findings are in harmony with Van den Brand et al., (2004) stated that no effect of flock age on eggshell thickness, while the shape index of the eggs decreased with age.
Therefore, the internal and external characteristics of egg changes significantly with age, while egg shell quality deteriorates, egg weight, yolk weight and albumen weight increase as the age increase in chickens (Hurnik et al., 1997).The relationship between weight, length and width of eggs has been reported by (Daviloo, 2000) who also noted the proportion of yolk, albumen and shell that contribute to the egg weight increase with the hen’s age, reaching a plateau by the end of the laying cycle. Suk and Park (2001) observed that the albumen weight increased with the increase in age of birds. Ojedapo (2013) found that the age has a significant effect on the egg quality traits and weight in various season of the year, specifically late dry and early wet season. It was revealed that egg weight, shell weight, yolk weight, albumen weight increased with age at the experimental season while shell thickness and other parameters measured decreased with age.
Effect of storage period:
External egg quality traits:
The effect of storage period on the external egg quality traits were found to be significant (P<0.05) for all traits except shell weight and shape index as in Table 1. Statistical analysis showed that the egg weight, volume, surface area and USSA were significantly decreased with the length of storage eggs, while specifies gravity, shell thickness and proportion were significantly increased with the length of storage eggs. These decreases in egg weight and volume with storage could be attributed to less moisture loss from the eggs. These results are in agreements with the findings of Tabidi (2011), who found the loss in egg weight, could be attributed to loss of humidity from inside the egg due to evaporation effects. Also, Hasan and Okur (2009), who noticed a decrease in weight within 10 days of storage at 29ºC. Also, Siyar et al., (2007) reported significant (P<0.001) egg weight decrease of 0.36 and 0.57g respectively, within 7 and 14 d of storage. Inversely, there were no significant differences (P<0.05) in shell weight and shape index with the length of storage eggs.
Internal egg quality traits:
The albumin and yolk heights were decreased with the length of storage. This could be attributed to destroy of mucin fibers, which gives both of albumen and yolk their gel-like texture to loss their structure and so the albumen and yolk becomes watery (Gavril and Usturoi, 2012 and Tebesi et al., 2012). In contrast, shell weight was not changed by storage period. These results are in agreement with those of Ahn et al., (1999), who found that shell weight dose not change with storage.
Haugh units were significantly decreased with increasing storage period, since it amounted 76.37 in fresh eggs decreased to reach 24.25 in eggs at 28 day. These results are in agreement with the findings of Tona et al., (2004), who reported storage period adversely affected Haugh units. Also, Yolk colour was considerably decreased with increasing storage period. These findings are in agreement with the results obtained by Siyar et al., (2007) and Tebesi et al., (2012), who observed decreased Haugh units in storage eggs compared to fresh whole and yolk only eggs.
Effect of interaction (Strain× Age× Storage period):
External egg quality traits except USSA and shell thickness were not affected by the interaction. Haugh units, air cell deep, albumen height, yolk height and yolk colour were affected by the interaction. These results are in agreement with Lukáš Zita et al., (2009), who found highly significant interactions (Genotype × Age) were also seen in eggshell quality characteristics. Also, they indicated that interaction between genotype and age of hens was found in albumen weight and Haugh units. Similarly, Scott, and Silversides, (2000) found that the interactions between storage time and strain were significant for albumen pH and height. The albumen pH of fresh eggs was lower for eggs from brown than those from white hens (Table 2), but after storage the albumen pH of eggs from both strains of hens was similar. The albumen height of eggs from brown hens was lower at all storage times, but the difference between strains was less for fresh eggs and for those that had been stored for 10day than it was for other periods of storage.
Eggshell contaminations traits:
Data presented in Table 3 showed that strain effect was insignificant for all bacterial and fungal eggshell traits, which were statistically similar in both strains.
As in our study, De Reu et al., (2005b), comparing different pilot housing systems, also found no systematic significant difference in bacterial eggshell contaminations with total counts of aerobic and Gram-negative bacteria between the beginning and end of lay. Referring to flock age, these findings showed that E. coli contaminations on the eggshells was significantly higher (P<0.01) in the hens at 63 weeks of age, whereas bacillus subtilis and P. Pluresence were significantly lower (P<0.05) compared to 48 weeks of age. These results are disagreement with Potais et al., (2003a) found no effect of the hen age on bacterial eggshell contaminations. Inversely, Candida albicans was significantly decreased (P<0.0001) with increasing storage period.
The study on the influence of storage period on the bacterial shell contamination showed that a significant (P<.0.05) differences in the bacillus subtilis recovered from the shell of the eggs stored at 28 days compared to fresh eggs. While, E. coli and P. Pluresence bacteria increased insignificantly during the storage period of 28 days. These results are in agreement with the findings of Gentry and Quarles (1972), who reported no marked differences in viable counts after 1 day storage of the freshly laid eggs at 4°C. In contrast, Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger were significantly decreased with increasing storage period, since it decreased from (5.50 and 3.83) in fresh eggs to reach (4.25 and 1.25) at 28 days.
The achieved results could be concluded as follow:
1- Egg quality traits in brown hens improved remarkable compared to white, while no significant difference in the shell microbial contaminations in both strains.
2- Increase in the deterioration of egg quality traits and shell microbial contaminations with increasing hen age.
3- The storage period had significantly affects on the egg quality traits and shell microbial contaminations. However, the use of the shorter storage period 7 days could be recommend, since its application had no adverse effect on egg quality traits and increase the shell microbial contaminations at room temperature (32°C).
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Table (1): External egg quality traits affected by strain, flock age, storage period and their interactions.
Egg Quality Traits and Shell Microbial Contaminations in Two Commercial Layer Strains Affected by Flock Age and Storage Period - Image 1
Table (2): Internal egg quality affected by strain, flock age, storage period and their interactions.
Egg Quality Traits and Shell Microbial Contaminations in Two Commercial Layer Strains Affected by Flock Age and Storage Period - Image 2
Table (3): Shell microbial contaminations affected by strain, flock age, storage period and their interactions.
Egg Quality Traits and Shell Microbial Contaminations in Two Commercial Layer Strains Affected by Flock Age and Storage Period - Image 3
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Talaat Mostafa  El-Sheikh
Dr. Jesús Arango
10 de agosto de 2016
Dear Dr. El-Sheikh: Thank you for sharing your research. I have two questions: Can you share the scientific reference so that we cite your work accordingly? Can you define the storage conditions more precisely? (i.e., you mentioned "room temperature"; but, could you be more specific. for instance: What was the room temperature and relative humidity? Did it fluctuate during the day/night? what was the average in each period? What time of the year (season) and what was the external (environmental) temperature and relative humidity, etc.) The values of these parameters could help interpreting the results in a better way).
Ismet Mamode
Food & Allied Group of Companies
11 de agosto de 2016
I share the same views as Dr. Jesus Arango. The temperature, humidity, storage etc are factors that influence the quality of the egg. It is a good practical research work and it will help farmers to manage the parameters to obtain a better egg quality. Because of hot summer, certain farmers are using air conditioners to keep the environment cool in the egg storage room. But, then the eggs must be carried in refrigerated trucks.
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